Chapter 20 (Year 3)

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River's POV

"Where are you three going so excitedly?" I asked Draco as he, Crabbe, and Goyle all started running out of the common room. He turned and smiled at me.

"Didn't I tell you?" He asked, I shook my head.

"No, what is it?" I asked.

"You know that chicken that attacked me? Well, they are going to kill it today, I'm going to watch." He said.

"Want to come with?" He asked, I shook my head.

"No, thanks, I'd rather not watch someone cut a hippogriff head off," I said, his smile fell.

"You can tell me all about it later, though," I said. He nodded, his smile returning.

"Okay, I will!" He said, before running out with the other two running after him.


The common door room opened half an hour later. Crabbe and Goyle walked in first, with Draco covering his nose.

"You guys done already?" I asked, Crabbe and Goyle shook their heads, before Draco came pushing past them. He sat down on the couch, groaning. He pulled his hand away from his nose, and I gasped. Blood was flowing from his nose, it covered most of his top lip, and was dripping down to his chin.

"Draco, what happened?" I asked, grabbing a tissue and whipping lip and then his nose.

"That Mudblood, Granger, she punched me!" He said. 

"What! why?" I yelled, whipping a little too hard as he started wincing,

"Sorry," I said.

"Well, they came at the spot we were at, to watch that chicken die, and then Granger came at me with her wand and then she punched me instead!" He yelled, I stayed quiet, whipping his blood away, as the pit in my stomach kept boiling. Draco watched me whip away his blood, carefully, his gaze making me blush. 

"Nothing to say?" He asked, I shook my head.

"More like I have everything to say, but not to you, I have a lot to say to her," I said, finishing him up. I stood up, and put the tissue in the trash, and sat back down next to Draco.

"Are you alright now?" I asked, he nodded,

"My nose is a minor bruise," he said, wincing as he touched it.

"Madam Pomfrey has some ice, you should go get some, I need to go take care of something," I said, he looked hurt,

"You're going to leave me alone, when I'm injured!" He said, pouting.

"I'll be back soon," I said, standing up and walking out the portrait hole before he could say another word.


It was almost dark by the time I got to Hagrid's hut. I had spotted Professor Dumbledore, the Minister of Magic, and an executioner. I looked around, not spotting the trio anywhere. I walked to the back of Hagrid's hut, in the pumpkin patch, knowing if I ran back to the castle it'll be too late now and they would spot me. Someone grabbed my arm, and I was pulled into a blanket before I could even scream a hand was on my mouth as they turned me around. Potter put a finger to his lips as I spotted Granger and Weasley. Potter pulled his hand away from me,

"What are you doing here?" He asked, I glared at Granger,

"I wanted to talk to Granger about Draco! He was bleeding everywhere!" I hissed,

"You should go," Weasley said, Granger shook her head,

"It's too late to go now, she could be seen,"

"Okay, enough we came here for a reason," Potter said, looking back at Hagrid's hut. The executioner raised his axe high in the air. It hovered in the air for a second before coming down on Buckbeak in one swift motion. The boys hugged Granger as I watched Hagrid starting to cry.

"Ow!" Weasley yelled, we all turned to him, he was holding a rat in his hands, he held up a finger that was dripping with blood.

"He bit me," He said, surprised. The rat jumped from his arms, and Weasley ran after him.

"Ron... No!" Granger said, as they started running after him. Potter grabbed my hand,

"Stay close were still under the invisibility cloak," As we started running, I just realized we were under a cloak. Weasley ran up to a thick large tree.

"Do you know what that tree is?" Granger said, Potter nodded, but I shook my head,

"That's not good," Potter says, as Weasley sits on the bottom of the tree to calm his rat.

"Ron! Run!" Potter says, I turn my head, hearing a twig break, a dog I recognized as the same one from Diagon Alley all those months ago.

"Potter!" I yelled, as the dog ran up to us, Potter grabbed my shoulders, and pushed me to the ground with him. The dog jumped over us and ran straight for Weasley, biting Weasley on the leg. Potter ran to Weasley grabbing his arms,

"I've got you!" He yelled, Granger fumbles on her feet, and all three of them including the dog, the dog pulls him closer to the tree, and down into a small hole.

"Ron! No!" He yells, I run up behind them, grabbing onto Granger's waist and try pulling with them.

"Weasley, just keep holding on!" I yell,

Why did I leave the common room? I should have stayed in the common room.

"Ron! No!" Potter said, but then Weasley let go of Potter, and the dog slid him down the hole. We fumble to the hole, looking down at it. It was too dark to see anything, as we heard Weasley screaming.

I feel something wrapping around my waist and I get pulled up into the air. I scream as he throws me on my back. I groan, shutting my eyes as I heard Granger and Potter screaming next to me.

I jumped to my feet with Granger and Potter.

"You can leave if you want," Potter said,

"It's to late now," I said, rolling my eyes. We start running to the hole as we duck against the branches. Granger and I duck by the hole, Potter gets hit by the branch. I look around, trying to stop something but get hit again by another branch, landing on my side.

"Potter, get up!" I yelled, seeing him still laying on his back, Granger grabs onto his shirt,

"Grab! River!" She yells, he grabs my leg, and lifts me up. We all start screaming as we get thrown in the air and into the hole, Weasley had gone in.

Screaming, I land on my back, with Potter landing in front of me and Granger sliding down after him.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Lumos!" Potter says, white light shines from his wand, Potter pulls me up, and the three of us all start walking around the tree. I take my wand out,

"Lumos," I said, filling the room up with more light.

"Were in the shrieking shack, aren't we?" Granger says,

"I don't care where we are, I just want to find Weasley and go back," I whispered,

"Nox!" Potter and I say, our wand light dies, Potter kicks the door aside, Weasley sat on a bed clutching his foot, tightly.

"Ron!" Granger yells,

"You're okay," I said, relived,

"Where's the dog?" Potter says,

"It's a trap, Harry. He's the dog. He's an Animagus..." Weasley said, I look at the ground, the paw prints slowly turn into human prints. A man stood in the shadows, his hair past his shoulders, with a thick stubble, his skin was pale, like a corpse.

"Sirius Black," I whisper.

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