Chapter 60 (Year 6)

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River's POV

After arriving back at Hogwarts, I said goodbye to Harry, Ron, and Ginny before walking downstairs to the Slytherin common room and to my dorm room. I put my luggage down before grabbing a green sweater, and walking down to the common room, seeing my friends and Draco.

"Isn't it pretty?" Daphne asked, showing the necklace that Theo had brought her for Christmas, as I sat down next to her.

"Yes, it is." I said smiling at her.

"You know it would look better on me." Blaise said.

"Stop trying to steal my boyfriend!"

"I never said I was!"

"Stop fighting, I have a headache!" Pansy hissed, as she rubbed her forehead, shutting her eyes. Blaise started clapping his hands together right next to her ears. She groaned, putting her head on a pillow.


"Well, you shouldn't have gotten drunk!" Blaise yelled.

"What did you do over Christmas, Riv?" Theo asked. 

"I just went to the Weasley's," I shrugged.

"The Weasleys!" They all yelled.

"Yeah, Harry invited me,"

"Oh, Harry invited you," Blaise mimicked I rolled my eyes.

"Blaise, we've had every Christmases together!"

"Not last year or this year!"

"I promise we will again," I said.

"Draco what did you do?" Pansy asked, before Blaise could yell again,

"Oh, just hung around here, alone." He shrugged,

"I could have stayed here with you! Why didn't you tell me?" Blaise asked,

"I needed to get some homework done. I had a lot missing," He lied,

"Mum was disappointed you couldn't come River, she probably told you in the letter she sent,"

"Yeah, she did." I signed.


"Happy birthday Ron!" I said, walking into the boys' room that morning of his birthday, as Seamus and Dean left. Seamus stopped at the door, his face turning red, as he looked at me.

"Would you want to go to the next Hogsmeade trip with me? As a date?" He whispered,

"Okay," I nodded,

"Alright! I'll see you then!" He said, before rushing out of the room to catch up with Dean. 

"Thanks, River," Ron yawned as I handed him the box of chocolates as he started opening more of his presents.

"Cheers!" Ron yelled, opening his presents as Harry started to look for something in his trunk.

"What are you looking for?" I asked,

"My map,"

"Map?" I asked as he pulled out a piece of Parchment paper.

"Oh, I forgot you don't know what it is, so Dad and his friends made a map of Hogwarts that shows what everyone is doing," he said, pointing his wand at it.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," He whispered so only I could hear, and Neville, who was trying to tiptoe out the room, couldn't. I started nervously looking down at the map.

Could he know that I had been with Draco this whole time? No, he would have said something, right?

"Nice one, Harry!" Ron yelled, as he held up keeper gloves.

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