Chapter 73

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River's POV

I could hear the death eaters entering the building. I shook on the handlebars, trying to open them.

"You have wands! Get us out of here!" I told my friends, they shook their heads,

"We can't. Filch took our wands," He said. I signed and banged my head against the bars.

"Come on!" A second later there was a loud blast, and I was thrown back and into Blaise. We both stumbled onto the ground, groaning as everyone else started running out. Our friends helped us up, as I heard footsteps coming up to us.

I opened my eyes, groaning, as Draco smiled down at me. I jumped to my feet, bring him into a tight hug.

"I've missed you," He whispered.

"I've missed you too, the Weasley's were driving me crazy,"

"I have to go find Potter,"

"I'll go with you," I said,

"No, it's to dangerous, you don't even have a wand,"

"There's no time to argue about this, let's go." I said. He glared at me for a second, but nodded, handing me a wand.

"Who's wand is this?" I asked,

"Just a spare one, Ollivander left over."

"I'll come with you too." Blaise said,

"Well, go stop the death eaters," Pansy said, gesturing to herself, Daphne and Theo.

"No, Theo can't go," Daphne said,

"I'll be fine, Daphne,"

"You'll have to fight your father, that's not fine," She said.

"Were not fighting about this, I'm going," He said, storming out the room. She followed behind him, yelling at them.

"I'll protect both of them, don't worry," Pansy said running out the room. Draco grabbed Crabbe and Goyle, who had been trying to sneak out.

"Let's go." He told us.


"Hold it, Potter." Draco yelled as we stepped out of the shadows, our wands pointed at their faces.

"That's my wand you're holding, Potter." Harry studied the wand in his hand before answering.

"Not anymore, Winners, keepers, Malfoy. Who's lent you theirs?"

"My mothers," Harry started laughing, with no humor in his voice.

"I had a feeling you would leave me again," Harry said, glaring at me. I scoffed.

"You gave me no choice, Harry, locking me up was a mistake."

"So how come you guys aren't with Voldemort?" He asked us all this time.

"We're going to be rewarded, We 'ung back, Potter. We decided not to go. Decided to bring you to 'im." Goyle said, in his depict voice.

" Good plan." Harry backed away from us.

"So how did you get in here?" He asked,

"Draco and I lived in the Room of Hidden Things all last year, I know how to get in." I said,

"We were hiding in the corridor outside. We can do Diss-lusion Charms now! And then, you turned up right in front of us and said you were looking for a die-dum! What's a die-dum?" Crabbe asked,

"Harry? Are you talking to someone?" Ron's voice asked from the other side of the wall. Then Crabbe pointed his wand at the fifty-foot mountain of old furniture, objects, broken trunks, and

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