Chapter 22 (Year 3)

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River's POV

"Snape!" I yell, trying to wake him up, his eyes open slowly, seeing our horrified faces, he jumped up.

"Behind me!" He yelled, pushing himself in front of us. A big black dog runs in front of us just as the werewolf was about to attack us. They both fall back; Sirius jumps back on his feet as the wolf stands up again. He kept jumping at the dog, trying to get it away from us, making the wolf angrier. Lupin in werewolf form grabs him by the tail and throws him away, letting the dog whimper in pain, but still manages to stand up, the wolf charged at him again.

"Sirius!" Potter yells, managing to push past Snape and run after them. Granger tries to follow, but Snape holds her back tightly.

"Harry!" Granger yells,

"We have to leave! Now! Help me with Weasley." Snape yelled, he lifted Ron up, throwing his arms over his shoulders, and ran to the castle. 


"What are we doing at your office?" I asked Snape as Granger was supporting Weasley.

"You will stay here," Snape said,

"What why!" I asked,

"Because we must inform the ministry and I will not have you involved in this," he said, pushing me into the room.

"I was involved the second I went on Hagrid's hut!" I yelled. He rolled his eyes before shutting the door and locking it.

"Snape! Open the door!" I yelled, he ignored me, as I heard their footsteps walking away.


The door opened about half an hour later. Standing there was my... mum. She crossed her arms over her chest and drummed her fingers on her arm.

Damn you, Snape,

"Hey, Mum?" I said nervously, laughing nervously.

"Hi, Mum? That's all you have to say for yourself?" She yelled,

"Sorry?" I said, mentally smacking myself as it sounded more like a question.

"I get five owls an hour from each of your friends saying you have disappeared! Then when I come to Hogwarts to check on you! The teachers can't find you! Then Snape is missing! Then I find Snape and he tells me a whole story of you running off with a murder and a werewolf! Who has shown many times that he wanted you dead!" She yelled, I had never seen Mum this mad before, she was practically shaking as she looked me over.

"You're lucky Snape hid you in here! I don't want to deal with ministry officials!" She yelled,

"You have cuts all over yourself, not to mention you look horrible!" Mum yelled,

"Mum, he-"

"I don't want to hear it! You are grounded,"

"Until?" I ask,

"Until the next school year!" She yells,

"The next school year!" I yell,

"Yes! You should have thought of the trouble you'd be in before running off to be killed!" She hissed,

"But he's innocent!" I yelled,

"How do you know! Where's your proof?" She asked. 

"My proof turned into a rat and ran away!" I yelled, she started laughing, hysterically, shaking her head.

"A rat? Can this get any worse?" She asked. I signed, sitting down on Snape's office chair.

"Mum, are we done? I just want to go take a shower and get cleaned up," I said. She signed and nodded, rubbing her forehead.

"I am sorry, I didn't mean too," I said, before walking out. She stayed silent.


I ran to the hospital wing, seeing Potter and Granger running into the hospital wing.

"Potter! Granger!" I yelled, running in after them, they stopped turning around to look at me.

"What happened? Is Sirius, okay? Is Lupin, okay?" I asked, Potter nodded,

"Yeah, everything fine, we got him a hippogriff, he's escaped now, and Lupin is still in the woods." He said, I nodded,

"Okay good, I better go, I just wanted to check if everything was okay, my mums here and I'm in so much trouble," I said, shaking my head, they nodded as I glanced at Weasley whose leg was bandaged up.

"I hope you feel better, Weasley," I said. He looked at me surprised but smiled.



I told the portrait the password as he gave me a dirty look, seeing my ripped and dirty clothes. I crawled in, seeing my five friends all sitting there, waiting for me. Blaise stood up quickly as I entered,

"Where have you been!" He yelled, before looking over my clothes, I put a hand up to stop him,

"Please don't, I already got an ear full from Mum," I said,

"As you should! You just disappear all day! Knowing a murderer is out on the loose, wanting to kill you," Daphne yelled, I smiled.

"What are you smiling about! You almost gave us all heart attacks!" Pansy yelled, glaring at me.

"I was with a killer, but Sirius Black is not a killer," I said, shaking my head. They looked at me confused,

"What! What are you talking about! He wanted you dead!" Blaise yelled, I shrugged, pursing my lips at them to hide my smile.

"Well, I'm going to go take a shower and a long nap, that stupid tree bruised me bad," I said, rubbing my side. Draco, who had stayed silent the whole time, waited until they all left.

"What's up, Draco?" I asked,

"It was my fault you went missing," he said, I shook my head.

"No, it wasn't, I willingly went looking for Granger," I said, shrugging. He didn't seem convinced,

"I should have never gotten father to try and kill that bird,"

"Draco, I'm glad you did, everything worked out well at the end anyway," I said, smiling.

"You are?" He said, I nodded.

"Yeah, if it wasn't for you, we would have never," I stopped myself before I let everything slip out. He looked at me confused,

"Well, I mean, everything turned out well at the end, that's all that matters right now,"

"I should go take a shower, it's been a long night, and I know Mum is going to yell at me more when we go home," I said, he nodded wishing me a goodnight before I went upstairs. 

A/N- Short chapter, sorry. Now, the next years, I will base it off more of the books rather than the movies. :)

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