Chapter 41 (Year 5)

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River's POV

I sat in Herbology, next to Potter, after Sprout had made us assigned seats in the class. He kept wincing every time he wrote, I looked at his hand, seeing he had covered it up. 

"What's wrong with you?" I whispered as I tried not to let the plant bit my hair off.

"Wrong with me? What's wrong with you?" Potter snapped, I rolled my eyes.

"Potter, I can see you wincing every time you use your hand," He looked at me shocked, suprised I had noticed before sliding his hand down away from my view. 

"It's nothing, quidditch incident," Potter muttered under his breath. 

"Then why didn't you go to Madam Pomfrey?" He ignored me and tried to write again. I grabbed his arm,

"Hey, what are you doing-" He shouted, 

"Shut up, Potter," I hissed, pulling his sleeve up. The words,

I must not tell lies,

was etched into his skin, it was red and bruised.

"Who did this to you?" I asked,

"It doesn't matter, let me go." He hissed, I let his hand go. He pulled up his sleeve quickly, covering it back up.


"Why were you examining Potter's hand?" Draco asked, once we finished Herbology. 

"He kept wincing every five seconds, it annoyed me so I wanted to see why, he had these big cuts on his hand that said I must not tell lies, he wouldn't tell me where he got it from," I said, shrugging,

"That's from the detention Professor Umbridge gives out," Draco whispered to me. 

"What?" I yelled surprised,

"Yeah, father told me to stay on her good side, so she doesn't do that to us,"

"That's horrible," I said, Draco shrugged.

"Yeah, it is,"


I knocked onto Professor Umbridge's office door that morning; after she had requested a meeting with me last night. My hands were sweating, nervous that I was going to have detention like Potter done. 

"Come in," She yelled, I opened the door, seeing her scribbling in a book, she looked up and smiled at me.

"Hello, Ms. Potter, its lovely to see you," she said, gesturing to the chair in front of her.

"Hello, Professor Umbridge, it's nice to see you too," 

"Please come sit, Mr. Malfoy should be coming any second," She said as I sat down, I nodded, nervously holding onto my hand, she looked down at my hands, before laughing.

"Oh, you've heard of my detention methods," I let my hands go quickly.

"Sorry, I have, I just wanted to know if I did anything wrong?"

"Of course not, I would just like for you and Malfoy to have a cup of tea together, that's all," she said, we waited quietly for Draco to arrive. 

"Come in," she said, once there was a knock on the door. Draco came in, surprised to see me.

"Hello, Professor Umbridge," he said,

"Hello, Mr. Malfoy, please take a seat," she said, pointing to the seat next to me. He sat down next to me, his eyes landing on my shaking hands, he laced our fingers together.

"Oh, how adorable, you two are together?" She pointed her quill at both of us, we nodded.

"Yes, ever since the Yule ball," Draco smirked, proudly.

The Forgotten Potter- Draco MalfoyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara