Chapter 36 (Year 4)

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River's POV

"I'm exhausted," I said, laying down on Daphne's bed. She sat on her desk, studying for the upcoming exams they had to take. 

"If you're not going to help me study, then leave!" She yelled, clearly very stressed. 

"But I'm so bored!" I yelled.

"It's so unfair that you have no finals," Daphne muttered, I rolled my eyes, sticking my tongue at her.

"Don't be jealous, Daphne, I've only almost died two times," I teased.

"Fuck off,"

"Where is Pansy?" I asked, sitting up.

"She's with that girl she met at the Yule, I think her name was Olive Smith?"

"The Hufflepuff?" She nodded, turning back to her Charm's notes, ending the conversation. 


"Potter, have you split up with your girlfriend? Why was she so upset at breakfast?" Pansy yelled at Potter, who rolled his eyes and ignored her, as we made it up to Hagrid's hut. Hagrid had a couple of boxes around him. Draco and I shared a nervous glance. The last project Hagrid had given us were the long-horned skwerts, and we almost didn't survive that. Draco laced our fingers together and pulled me up to his side.

"If it's anything like those horrible animals in the beginning of this year, let's just run," He whispered in my ear, I smirked.

"First second we see a crazy monster," I said. We both walked slowly to the boxes, seeing fluffy black creatures with snouts.

"Oh, they're not that bad," I said,

"These're nifflers," Hagrid said,

"Yeh find 'em down mines, mostly. They like sparkly stuff.... There yeh go, look." He said, just as we looked. One of them leapt up and tried to bite off Pansy's watch. I giggled as she stood up.

"Not funny, Riv!"

"It was a little,"

"I will kill you,"

"She could," Blaise said, rubbing his ear. 

"Thought we'd have some fun with 'em today. See over there? I've buried some gold coins. I've got a prize fer whoever picks the niffler that digs up most. Jus' take off all yer valuables, an' choose a niffler, an' get ready ter set 'em loose."


"That was a fun lesson," I said,

"For once," Draco said, as we entered the common room, and started going upstairs to Draco's, private room.

I jumped onto his bed, getting under the covers quickly, and shutting my eyes, after taking off my shoes and robes.

"What are you doing, it's only one o'clock, in the afternoon," Draco said, trying to pull the covers off of me.

"Wake me up, when it's our next class, I'm tired," I said,

"But the day just got started," he said.

"Ether, come sleep next to me, or leave me," I said, I could hear him huff, but he pulled the covers off the other side of the bed, anyway. He climbed in and wrapped his arms around my waist. I nuzzled my head into his neck and shoulder, my eyes getting heavier by the second.


I woke up looking at the time, seeing it was ten minutes after potions class has stared.

"Draco! Wake up! We slept in!" I yelled, trying to pry his hands away from me, but it wasn't working.

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