The fourth maiden of ymir

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"I saw you in my dreams y/n, you're with this boy who had pair of emerald eyes, another boy who owns golden strands of hair, and a girl wearing something in red."

"I dont know who are those mother, that must've been your pure imagination."


You recalled something as you emplace the crysanthemum petals into a higher placement while the morning breeze continuously winged your blindsiding h/c strands. You perceive the tall grasses below that was Specifically in possession by a certain part of the meadow.

How you missed wearing tattered clothing that slaves used to wear in their daily life.

You are supposed to be wearing ragged ones right now. However, you were currently wearing a specific attire that resembles how high people contain their regards on you. It was just like nothing more but seconds ago you were eating disgusting leftovers provided for only slaves to eat.

And now, you acquire people's respect just by parading your capabilities in the field of knowledge and abstract strategy.

You opened the cage where a certain bird is currently emplaced. It was the bird that you restore into a healthy condition weeks ago. You healed its broken wings and now its ready to roamed the surfaces of the earth once again

How you wished you were that bird, it was so autonomous to the point that it doesnt even know where its exact destination.

Does it even know the concepts of arrival?

You truly adore the etiquette of the flapping wings of the said animal. The idea of it genuinely intrigues you.

Maybe the fact the you have been caged for so long supported that justification. You liked the idea of escaping.

You remember crystal clear how you ask for the stars for a certain urgent requests during your early days to blessed you with feathery wings, hoping it would help you to escape this truculent and inhumane reality where you belong.

countless of hair strands flew into your face as different disturbing and repellent images flashed into your mind all of the sudden.

In an instance, you found yourself standing infront of a throne pure of golds.

A throne that is filled with malignity and viciousness. it was owned ofcourse by your father whom wears a familiar crown that resembles the supreme presonification of a devil.

lucifer perhaps.

You know too well all the evil things that he's capable of.

Beside him was your three older sisters who you admire the most. You think ironically how they are able to earn your respect without considering in mind all the unsatisfactory things they have contributed to your whole personal being.

They were terrible sisters you could tell. However, you loved them as much as you love your mother.

Ymir fritz.

Things were indeed different back then. You grew up not knowing the exact reason why your father—-king fritz have forsaken you. Is it because he haven't seen his desired standards and principles on you as much as he have seen those in your three sisters?

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