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"—there it is, the hidden entrance"

Thereafter of hours proceed concerning the further investigation to determine both eren and historia's location, you conserve your mute posture as you felt days progressed,

You ascertain the flavor of nauseating feeling being in the midst of mental altercation between your fellows, the said military troop flaunt affluters of expression concerning your sudden alter of individualism in the progressing hours as they optioned to be mute as well,

Endeavoring not to exhibit such skeptikal feeling concerning your group of clauses hours ago, they maintain without such interruption progressing into each of their affairs as they make ready of advance the upcoming sequence of events,

the word millennium just continued to merry-go-round their thoughts, each of their throats as well as hanji's were hankering to question your phrase however

The hopes of recapturing eren's and historia's presence once again are something that the military troop intends to accomplish in the first place, questioning your group of phrases is something that is out of the main objective,

penetrating into the the diminutive concrete chapel, their sudden immersion centered on you as they immediately shattered the certain visual contact, they maintain without momentary halt materializing barrels with gas canisters attached as you handgrip your upper-body garment that you freshly come into belonging—a jecket perhaps

The certain article of clothing were concealing your injuries as a piece of material—such as a patch, curtain your weak spot located on your eye as it give enough assitance to recuperate your vision once again,

"I hope taking that roundabout path and bringing those souvenirs along were not in vaint.."

"All right, the preperations are complete,"

"—i see...well then, so you guys prepared to get your hands dirty—?"

The minute structure individual's group of clauses layovers instantly when sounds of shedding tears penetrate within their hearing range once again,

"—I'm going to be selfish...i'm so...s-sorry,"

The group of phrases you fabricate, emplace the said military troop in a skeptical position as they ascertain your crestfallen standing,

"Whatever happens, we're in this together,"


The wooden door opened deserting such sounds of impact, this centered the entrallment of the remaining mp's as the the barrels with gas canisters attached descended downward into the stairway,

The military troop without hesitation, penetrated into the said location as sasha with such intellectually alert eyes, emplace herself in a state of preperation for some upcoming session of events,

Sasha missled shotted the specified barrels resulting a certain dioxide to ascend upward into the masses of the atmosphere, providing enough mental confusion over to the said central bridge individuals,

You shift upward leaving a certain responsibility over to the remaining individuals of the said military troop,

"Y/n?! Shit....what the hell are you doing!?"

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