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Always and forever


Time progressed. Gabi's chaotic chocolate strands became an absolute confusion as she behold the painted scenes of the marleyan brothers cherishing each other in one's melancholia arms,

"F-falco!-" the brunette uttered out of her despairing welfare as she endeavor to reach out the brothers with the employ of her arms,

"I-its okay falco! Your big brother will stay with you, always!" Colt stated as he fortify his embrace approaching from his strong affection out of his personal ties with the marleyan

"Big bro..! Let go!"

Falco endevored to issued from colt's confinement.

zeke unbuckled such strong intense vocal expression translating for the eldian individuals whom ingested the fluid to alchemize into a pure titan in a sudden.

There. A certain outburst was produced as it translates for colt to undergo sudden combustion, his body was consumed by falco's process of intense metamorphosis.


The matallic pipe was the only one that remain in absolute existence other than his brother's corpse thereafter the said metamorphosis, as the vapor arising from a heated substance made its access within the painted scene.

Zeke provided with pure authoritative information the mindless falco as the marleyan youngster—now a titan, approached the armored titan as this emplace reiner in a fiery state of reluctance. He ascertain the spicy seasonings of absolute hesitancy as eren maintain without momentary halt the pace of the horrendous physical intecourse he have with the oppossing team.

Gabi perceive through apprehension the absolute picturesque view of mindless falco advancing towards reiner's nape as the marleyan individual condone his forthcoming absolute slumber.

He has done so many truculent actions.

And that certain game of chess made him to acknowledge the rights of his shortcomings.

Shortcomings that made his inner aspect awfully blemished.

tell me what's like to be

"It feels revolting, and i know what's more repulsive..y/n."

He verbalized with his lips partly close as he carry wagons of immense deep distress, he closed his eyes for what the world might bring as he readied himself to be ingested by mindless falco. He ascertain the pending state of absolute tranquil that he indeed yearn for ages as the memoir of you playing in a game of chess with him scintillate at iregular intervals before his eyes.

Inwardly at a fractional part of a second. Reiner extend the width of his eyes as he ascertain garden-variety of vocal expressions penetrate within his hearing range.

"I've used up all the power to heal my body. However i wont drop dead for nothing."

It was porco. He made his own access within the painted chaotic scene with his all tuckered up body in such emergent keeping. Mindless falco materialize such visual contact with him as he advance towards the said marleyan individual that in such absolute exigent welfare as falco transport loads of posthaste acceleration,

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