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You stared at the ceiling of the barracks that was specifically assigned just for females. Semidarkness enveloped the endless skies hours ago and you could widely sense sasha's loud snoring.

You couldn't even sleep, trying such breathing techniques but still, you couldn't sense the outcome that could pleasure enough your senses. Instead, you just decided to take some few glimpses at the window.

Seeing the stars made you remember about your mother's narrations when you were younger. You immediately closed your eyes.

"I saw you in my dreams y/n, you're with this boy who had pair of emerald eyes, another boy who owned golden strands of hair, and a girl wearing something in red"

You perceive her motherly voice as she continue to proceed her fingers down to your healthy hair.

"I dont know who are those mother, that must've been your pure imagination."

"And... You look so happy with them, i wonder why"

That instantly perked your attention. You only felt happiness when your mother would come to visit you in the location where she herself grew up. It was the landfill that slaves would occupy. You can still remember how it was separated from the capital of the eldian empire because of the king's instant orders.

and hearing the word happiness relating for another reason is beyond foreign to you.

You opened your eyes and prepared a single candle that would provide you enough light. Seemingly you couldn't sleep. Then you suddenly decided to take a walk outside.


You let out a cough because of the freezing breeze you felt in an instance. Expecting the candle would sooner be out, you decided it was now best to return and prepare for the upcoming logistics progression tomorrow.

"Couldn't sleep?" You heard a voice in a sudden. You turn your head from the direction where the voice was coming from and were immediatly greeted by his familiar emerald orbs, the strands of your hair winged likewise to the nightgown you wore with crysanthenum embroidery.

"Yeah." responded.

"Same here, couldn't stop thinking" he replied back. You immediately assumed it has something to do with his aptitude test.

You and eren were friends since you were younger but rarely even talk in private. You perceive the feeling of unhappiness radiating within him and decided to lift the atmosphere even just a little.

"Hey eren, do you remember when we were kids? We used to spend our money to gamble with adult strangers." you giggled, he looked at you, unlocking a piece of memory from his yesterday, he then immediately laugh in response.

"Yeah! I remember that, we would sprint near the exit with them running behind us. I remember how mister hannes would fix the trouble we cause but it was worth it."

"I remeber how we promised to not ever do that again."

After that conversation, silence immediately enveloped The atmosphere. Not until both of you felt the droplets of rain, the droplets formed into a sudden cloudburst afterwards.

"A-ah shit! Its raining!" Eren muttured offensively, expressing how fussed he is knowing both of you are now soaking in wet.

"Y-y/n, i think we should head inside—-"

He stopped in the mid-sentence when you used the lower part of your body to kick the mud which stained the upper part of his body. And as competitive as he is, he kicked the mud back but his body lost balance and fall back into a sliding motion.

You let out a very loud laughter but wasn't loud enough to wake the sleeping trainees, eren laughed as well. Both of you continue At your idiotic knaveries until it came to the point that you used the dirt as a snowball and eren used it as well, contributing such stain to both of your clothing, the rain didn't stopped.

You were so happy at the moment, forgetting the conflict itself, it was like only the two of you remained at the surfaces of the earth.

Forgetting that forgetting this—-

Everything doesn't matter to you at the moment, as long as both of you continue having fun while the rain drops, you were beyond gratified. Seeing eren in his youngster traits was all you needed at the moment.

Eren was about to throw another ball of dirt to take his immature revenge on you but stopped when you grabbed his hand in split second and spins him in circle while holding his other hand, lightning strokes formed in his fingers as heartwarming memory flashed before his eyes.

It was a piece of memory that was owned by your departed mother that she herself holds dearly the most, he saw your mother—ymir fritz's point of view as she continue to spin you in circle, having a youthful age while wearing such roughly unkempt clothing.

He was so confused.

But nevertheless you were beyond pleasing to look at.

at any angle

At any perspective

At any point of view

Instead of questioning the weird sudden occurrence, eren considered it as one of the beautiful hallucinations he had so far.


The fourth maiden of ymirजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें