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Seeing the sudden appearance of strikingly clear forms of crystal located in her nape in split second, you then later on change your course of direction as you immediately take instant violent actions towards her lower limbs, this left her with huge damage that resulted the female titan to be unable to make use of its foot temporarily.

You thrashed her foot. Jean's mouth went agape because of your sudden actions, armin was getting worried too.


You discover with certainty that this titan is in fact not normal, if ever you'd optioned to proceed towards her crystal, then your blades would be dispersed into fragmented pieces of fractions immediately. You are starting now to be more cautious.

with its qualities having common characteristics towards annie, you are well aware of what's been happening.

"Do you happen to know hammurabi's code which is the form of retaliatory justice commonly associated with the saying 'an eye for an eye'—-?" You uttered.

"—-Under this system, if a man broke the bone of one his equals, his own bone would be broken in return! I might be small compare to your size but that'll do! Sounds fun right?!" You then continued.

She exhibit a tranquil reaction as she unbuckle a sweeping motion using her skinless upper limb against you with such pronto speed. She smug in a highly self-satisfied etiquette as an afterimage flashed before her eyes, milisecond duration of mental image that exhibit your bloody damaged body.

"Hmm, That's not very nice of you."

For the second time, her oceanic orbs increase its width as she feel someone at her well-conditioned shoulder, additionally even the morning breeze didn't exhibit evident signs of your movements, her fresh reaction were covered with the golden strands of her hair.

You are so fast that she didn't even got to process all of that. The afterimage that she made in her mind was all pure fantasy. You are now standing at her shoulders.

your wounded companion, armin, was able to authenticate the capabilities you rarely exhibit.

oh how their eyes increase its scope.

You created a gash towards her forehead while making use of your blade, her blood gushed down immediately, this corresponds to the bodily damage she contributed on you friend armin. Blood were now streaming down from her forehead as a dioxide formed from its open wound.

You cannot separate her into fragmented parts similarly how she divided the limbs of your compatriots, this resulted you to pick the option of giving her the sensation of torture she made them to undergo instead.

You continuously slashed her with such highly complicated movements while using large amount of gas. She then covers her head in defense, your body that is currently depleted of energy made her escape with her freshly resurrected foot, she continued her pace afterwards, the blood that used to reign over her veins now stained your body.

The female titan decided to left you standing exhausted with your face parading an aggravated look, your hands crumpled for not finishing her off immediately.

Breathing involuntarily whilst of encountering different pains on your head, you were then after acknowledged by jean's mentally troubled reaction. You then cursed between your ragged breaths.

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