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The encounter.


"-i realize how incredibly impudent this is of me but, we need your help...i'll do anything even if its risking my life i've taken for granted...you can.k-kill me...if that would -"

The Brunette's group of clauses was interefered in the midst when jean responded,

"Kill you..? Would that stop this war?.."

"-your life is not equivalent to y/n's"

The surrounding air of locality penetrate into an absolute synopsis of silence as they engulf themselves in a pure swap of thoughts,

"I shouldn't share this privy information but i guess this is the right time to talk this about."

Everyone divert their fresh absorptions into magath's absolute acknowledgement, by the looks of his face, he presumably portray pure self-critical idiosyncrasies thereafter he beheld the oppossing team's benevolence.

"-commander? What do you mean?" Pieck, the charcoal haired individual inquisitively questioned whilst of being in her titan form, this seemingly interweaved yelena's enthrallment as she awaits without any of the misereres with the regards of magath's sudden confession.

"All of you talking about our diety like its some kind of common quality matter is ridiculous, but i guess i have to trust all of you just this time,"

"-33 years ago, the former inheritor of the female titan encountered this uncanny memory that even our scholars couldn't explain, its about this creature named hallucigenia."

Connie,sasha, and jean ascertain uncomfortably low temperature of cold sensation made its access within their shattered insides as they yet again, unclosed such inducing sorrow variety of memoir,

" 'I-i'm not..y/n, -hallucigenia. Looks like Its your defeat.' Was one of y/n's last phrases," sasha made a sibilant sound that resembles whispering, as she descended her head out of the involving guilt that is slowly but surely subjugating her like insane.

By the looks of what magath exhibit, it indicates pure shock and absolute mental disturbance that can drove anyone like crazy.

"Now that someone mentioned it, i feel like something is wrong considering how she acted beforehand, she came out of nowhere with her face in tears, shouted and asking herself..'what are you doing' "

"-she looks like in great pain. Like someone is holding her back."

Annie pierced within the said oral exchange as she ascertain her heart beating in such posthaste pace. The glowing gaseous part of a fire advancing from the said bonfire reflected her eyes,

"Hallucigenia is a myth that particularly existed millions of years ago, legend says that the power of the titan advance from this creature."

Everyone glanced at the blond as hanji centered her entire absorption over the said topic that provoke such interest, the very eyes of the legionnaires extend its width as another page of history is about to be unveiled,

And surely, the individuals became its rearmost validations.

"They say its connected to all living species, it has a worm-like body with a small head at the end of a long neck, the trunk bears seven pairs of long dorsal spines and seven pairs of slender leg-like lobes. The spacing between lobes and spines is relatively constant-" the blonde was interlopped in the midst when the oriental individual made her foremost access inwardly within the converse,

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