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Fall of wall maria arc


Your friend eren waved at his father as grisha waved back. Your eyes roamed around as you try to search the two skeptical men you just saw earlier. You don't know what on earth was that.

You assumed maybe its one of your crazy hallucinations. However, you could say it was beyond genuine. They were now no where to be seen. As if they were flowing within the wind.

"Both of you listen. He has a knack for getting into trouble, so help each other out when things get out of hand." carla pleaded.

You decided it was better to ignore what you saw beforehand.


"Thats right! You're effectively conceding my point are you not?!"

"Clam it you smart ass!"

You saw how armin was pinned down in the wall by the bullies around the corner. You immediately sensed eren's blood were suddenly stirred up with a high temperature of boiling anger.

"Stop that! What do you people think youre doing?!" You heard eren's shouts as mikasa and eren dashed towards the bullies. Leaving you behind because you were walking instead of going on a pace faster than walk, not knowing how to approach the situation.

"Its eren! This time around, he's out of our blood! that little bastard!" You immediately familiarized those bullies when you suddenly bring back to mind the other day.

You remembered that mikasa and eren and whoever those bullies are made a trouble somewhere on town that got the military police into some serious fuss.

"Ah! He got mikasa with him! We're screwed!"

"Shit! Y/n is here again! I don't want to give myself a bad impression on her!"

They sprinted away from the four of you. Leaving all beaten up armin. You helped armin  to stand, taking out the clean handkerchief you brought for yourself.

The appearance of the cloth was arranged with a crysanthenum white petals that you deeply adore. You gently wiped the wounded area of his lip as he exhibit a flustered expression within in his face. You were too close.

"Ohhh look at them! The mere sight of me and they scurry away like rats." eren boasted.

"They ran away when they saw mikasa more like" armin responded.

"You need to learn how to fight back armin, the world is not filled with people who are like us that won't hesitate to help you." you stated without any expression visible in your face.


"And then i told them that humankind would need to go out someday." You heard his statement that made your body instantly froze. You silently observe the water located in the docks as armin's statement couldn't escape inside you thoughts.

Even though you do not always parade such delighted expression while you are with them, oh how you treasure them the most.

You took a glance at both of your friends who were currently talking about something as you and mikasa stayed silent. You feel heavenly, experiencing the period of being a youngster at last.

"Dammit! How come you get looked down upon just for mentioning you'd like to get out?" Eren responded.

"Well that's because for the 100 years, we've spent inside these walls, life has always been peaceful. The royal government has declared that manifesting any interest in the outside world would be taboo." Armin explained everything with pure clarity. He explained that such intriguing discussions that relates about the outside world is excessively prohibited.

"The king is just chickening out end of the story."

"You're right, but is it the only reason?"

"Can't you see? They must be prohibiting us to know something." you cleared out and armin jumped out of agreement.

"You're smart y/n! That must be it!"

The conversation continued as you let out of soft sigh. Why did they even bother talking regarding things like this and stressing themselves when they could just enjoy the childhood that was provided to them as much as they can?

In the end you couldn't blame them because if you are in their postion, you would be badly curious likewise.

But they curiosity kills, doesn't it?

An intense volume emitted from the atmosphere as it caused a sudden earthquake, it suddenly reminds you the living creature that  use to produce fear on people.


The unknown titan. Who caused the notably high temperature of steams that was visible above the gigantic walls bothered the townsfolks as they let out of questioning look.

Their anxiety went high when a certain skinless fingers entered the scene. You heard eren's mutterings but you couldn't understand it anymore.

You couldn't understand anyone,
anything. Everything seems to happen so fast.

You suddenly hear thesame flatline back to your yesterday as the creature in front of you deliver thousand of shivers in your fragile body.

It wasn't femine as you mother's, it wasn't capable of causing high degree of pestilent like her's. It wasn't destructively gigantic compare to her titan. However it made you to hearken back the Objectives that your father made.

On that day ,humanity remembered the
Dread that was a life under their rule
The humiliation of being
Caged like birds.


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