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A good night sleep,
while the stars scintillates .


As doable, you conserve the course of your apathy features, not salivating for hallucigenia to take such immense avail on your mental reaction, you couldn't help but to condone that the group of clauses hallucigenia materialized indeed brought such perplexity onto the corners of your sanity,

"Y-y/n...you gave me a name...don't you remember it? You gave your world to me, therefore i'll give my world to you-"

"—i-i dont remember...! i'm not the person you met before..!-"

".....this inhumane world convey numerous of pains, right? Y/n?-"

"—thereafter your mother made contact with me, i made judgements that the origin of titans were fabricated out of your mother's wildest imaginations, i lived inside of her for years, i saw how she suffered in those silly strings of your father, she suffered so much y/n, i suffered so much-"

"-d-dont you..!-manipulate me using my mother..—!"

"I discovered with certainty what happen to the individual i met millions of years ago.."

You stopover fabricating such group of clauses that indeed depict evident gesticulation of ire when a certain missile shots of inquisitiveness thrust inwardly at your deepen view of judgements,

"Those antediluvian folks weren't pleased enough for depriving her life at frontwards of my perspective,"

"—they use such edged instruments to cut her body off in fractional pieces, and materialize such pompous show all over the capital with the company of her head, penetrated inwardly at a spear utensil"

Thereafter hallucigenia's group of clauses that indeed transport evident gesticulations of persistent pains penetrate inwardly at your hearing range, such disquiet mental reaction loosed instinctually approaching from your rigid confinement as you indeed couldn't manufacture enough formations of such mental visual images, just hearing those formidable words from the specie's mouth.

Overwhelming swamp of clear saline fluids depressed approaching from your injured eye as the sudden turn of events, brought such perplexity over the premises of your view of judgement,


"—am i crying?."

"Its because the two of you are connected,"

Ascertaining the word 'connected' in immediate, you loosed such questions approaching from the captivity of your mouth out of your urgent inquisitive request,

"W-wait a minute...i shouldn't worry these nonsenses in the first place..you say you copy the outward structure of your proprietors right,? Then why do we have thesame appearance..?"

"..i-i dont understand, i dont remember making any contacts with you—"

"—it was me...myself whom made contact with you"

"I dont know what's the validation of this occurrence but, i was able to substitute myself as an umbilical cord when you continue progressed developing onto your mother's womb, latterly you were brought into this world as i made my escape approaching from your mother,"

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