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Numbers of trained soldiers assembled together as they headed into the passage way of the karanese district. The individuals seemingly emits rays of moral strength in the atmosphere as the commander of the widely known scouting legion lead the unit of these full fledge soldiers.

"—Commander! Its time! Titans in the vicinity are being kept away! 30 seconds till the gate opens!"

"At last! Mankind is about to make another step forward! Show the results of your training!"

"Open the gate! The 57th expedition to the lands outside the wall starts!"



A month beforehand of the said 57th expedition, the prominent commander erwin himself supervised the said ceremony afterwards the renowned battle of trost. You were at the back as you postured your hands at the back of your body.

Enclasping erwin's masculine features with your eyes for the very first time, you were able to claim strong held opinions about him because of the notable superiority that he exhibits.

"The scouting legion is always in search of talented members, with great loses after every mission, we constantly suffer from personnel shortage—those of you who are still willing to put your life on the line despite learning about the dreadful state of affairs stays here."

The feeling of an unpleasant emotion didn't have enough courage to invade your thoughts. You are determined to join the scouting legion with the sole aspirations to protect your friends and to seek for the truths you have always wanted.

That is the reason why you stayed.

Most of the fresh graduate trainees that embrace the whole area left with some other purpose.

Consisting definite amount of trainees bumped at your shoulder as it made a forceful contact. They seemed to emit a depressingly dark aura, almost all of the said soldiers abandoned the place, feeling nothing more but sympathetic sorrow concerning the situation of their fellows who decided to pursue the tracks of the scouting legion.

You have move on a toughened course over and over presumably in the past period of thousands of years, seeing them to have condole for you is evidently nothing.

"So will you be able to go die if you're told to?"

"We do not want to die sir!"

"—-Alright! I welcome everybody here to the scouting legion! I salute your bravery! Dedicate your life on the cause!"

You heared the utter sounds of your companions with their lips partly closed, their self-consciousness were freshly thrown in a state of being terrorized. They are scared, yet they are still risking a stake.

"Being a part of scouting legion is extremely arduous, that's why notional strategies is a must when it comes to expeditions, cadet L/n I expect further collaboration with you." The commander with neptune eyes stated as he took a glance at you.

You made such reaction because the commander was able to recognize you.


Your hair that is neatly tied in a pony tail winged together with its healthy strands as the horses continue its motion.

You were assigned at the line 6, the outermost line that come into close proximity to titans, your companions almost lost their sanity when they discovered the fact. They declare such disapproval of course, however the expedition still continue with the assigned place that you were entrusted.

Erwin is well aware of your competencies. His companion shadis gave him the proper documents concerning your attributes, other than strategies and being academically qualified, you are eminently fast too. Your reaction time arouses the level of your survival, erwin is well confident of the place he entrusted you.

You wondered because you were not able to stumble upon some of the titans along the way. Unbeknownst to you, you begun to be isolated . Because of your lack of focus, you have terminated your connection along to the said formation of soldiers.

"Hmm? Why am i alone here?" Like a boneheaded person you are, you roamed your eyes around the area. Seeing nothing but abandoned houses and numerous trees.

If a normal person is on your shoes, they could've been melted in pure horror presumably minutes ago, not so long after you come into such awareness that you in fact isolated yourself from the formation.

"Armin! Armin! There you are!"

Your said filled with a flood of overwhelming genuine happiness. But you were kinda taken aback when you noticed that armin is injured, you hurriedly made your way towards him.

From far away, armin feels like he's on a life or death condition, he exhibit such hysterical reaction, being currently concerned of what will going to happen. They are currently encountering an abnormal titan and it's not going to be that easy.

Jean was able to hear your voice from afar, he mentally facepalmed because your current focus is supposed to fix on the noticeably different specie but rather concentrated over your now bloodied companion.

Without even appropriately processing your decision, you are beyond determine to proceed your way towards the titan. The titan is skinless and has a blonde hair, you knew for the fact that it wasn't normal.

"You were such a backbreaking one aren't you?" having such physical equilibrium, You stood up while your horse were keeping its motion, being emplaced in the line 6, having an additional horse is not necessary, that's why you were capable of moving freely without any responsibility.

"Y-y/n you can't just!—"

The female titan extended her eyes as she continue to have visual contact with you, she calculated to crystallize her nape but it was apparently late.


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