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You cease your sleep as you rouse from your bed, abandoning your bemired arrangements of your assigned bunk, you deserted the room leaving the chaotic order of the pillows untouched,

H/c haired strands were currently plumb within your head, yawning in the passageway of the house whilst of rubbing off the secrete of saliva nearby your mouth, you extend your limbs in a reclining position as you continue your pace,

"Well whatever, we'll return to the issue of your half- assed cleaning later—we're going to review the situation at hand and set some directio—"

The voice stopped immediately as soon as you entered the living room,

"Good morning guys! I didn't expect you all up this early!"

"B-but y/n, i-its already afternoon"

Concerning your theoretical abilities mental competencies, the commander himself considered you in the special operation squad without the captain's power to command such view of judgement, this ofcourse brought such conscious feeling over the said captain considering almost all of his men were handpicked by him besides you,

"Erwin what have you done" he made such utter sound in an etiquette of being defeated in expectation,

"—Sit the fuck here in an instance"

With such pronto speed, you followed his instruction as he continue the colloquy,

"Oi armin, you were saying if things went well, the wall could be plugged up quickly, tell us about that again"

"—yes, the plan was to use the abilities of titanized eren to plug up the hole in the wall, the wall appears somehow to be made from the hardened bodies of titans, so if the mass of bodies necessary to plug the hole could be produced right at the scene—"

"—if such a thing were possible then!, there would be no need to continuously transport in large amount of material by wagon like in previous plans! In other words, we could make plans to aim for the actual location, on a night where titans were inactive because of the weather or whatnot,"

You interloped armin's group of clauses as your pale yellow haired associate let out a little weigh of laugh, the section chief's state of looking forward concerning your credentials were putatively met, in spite of being awestruck, the said brunette stayed mute considering the unacceptable standard of news she will transmit soon after,

"A-ah! I forgot to mention, this idea were materialized by y/n"

Producing such carve within your facial arrangements, this fabricated an immense persistent irritating feeling against the said captain, undergoing defeat in concerning his undervalue against your qualifications, he produce such clicking sounds in inordinate self-esteem,

The said high-level serious discussion continued its pace as you contend in a mental battle against your natural periodic loss of consciousness, salivating for such slumber, a secrete of saliva were now streaming in droplets nearby your mouth—

—The wintry-cold captain came into sudden knowledge of the said subject, your fatigued facial arrangements were kept in a sudden surveillance under his deep freezing eyes as the said colloquy kept its pace,

"—struggling not to shit yourselves when it's on the verge of leaking out, you're even making those faces now"

In a sudden fractional part of a second, you made the captain recoil as you conclude a session of explosive laughters despite of being in a deep slumber seconds ago,

"Oh fuck here we go again" jean verbalize in
state of bearing in mind concerning what happen years ago, the exploits you have done to disturb especially by repeated acts the hang-up bald instructor,

"O-ooh that was good one, haha, who are you again?"

In spite of being in a sobersided standing, the specified small organized group of military personnel supervise by the burnette section commander were in the threshold of twitters as they layover their estate of being in a brink of laughing with evident wooden coughs,

The said formal treatment of the evident topics in speech came finally to an end as the specified superintendents fabricate such options along the said conversation,

The hard-eyed captain didn't answered your informal question but instead made such thought that were evidently caused by mental stress,

Because he has another brat to look after, and that brat have huge amount of tendencies to materialized such persistent irritation towards himself,


"To tell the truth, i feel like i didn't understand even half of that, y/n being a dork just suddenly commits into my memory"

Spoken by your close acquaintance that is lacking in usual hair growth as the five of you continue executing such actions in the room with cooking facilities,

"For the details, we'll have y/n explaining later, in any case i have to kill the beast titan, ymir was saying that it was that 'monkey' that turned my whole village into titans right?"

"—connie, we still haven't come into awareness concerning its further capableness, let's just wait until we have such progress and we'll kill that creature together, we're all in this together remember,?"

Connie lay overs the procees of him removing off the natural coverings of the said edibles as you make physical contact with his shoulders in an immense tender etiquette, he flaunted such carve on his facial arrangements concerning your deed that expresses indirectly that he's not alone,

The quality of you not being aware of the teal-eyed brunet's exhibiting such immense quarrelsome feats as he continue to strip off the outer layer of the edibles in such etiquette, you thrust up the head of his jealous disposition as you make such acknowledge concerning such remembrance,

"Connie, you still wear that ring? Its been years since that happen"

This coralled the fresh fascinate out of everyone within the said cooking facility, your friend bring back to the level of his conscious awareness concerning the point of time you freshly distinguished,

"A-ah! Just a remembrance nothing more!"

"—Y/n i dont know you were that good at knives,"

"Yeah, i noticed that a while ago"

Connie did express his gratitude towards the heavens for historia and mikasa intruding the said subject, flipping the page over, the two demoiselle exhibit such feeling of astonishment  against your qualifications in the said field as they maintain without interruption the outpoured of compliments towards yourself,

While eren did not proceed himself toward the certain condition concerning what have occured a while ago, an uncontrollable feeling of jealousy still enflaming within him as he takes sudden actions,

"Give me that y/n or you'll hurt yourself"

Eren was about to handhold the sharp instrument within your palm however you didn't give him such opportunity, he insisted and made physical contact with your substantiate that were situated farther out of your somewhat concave part of your embody

"Eren! No!—"

But things were apparently behindhand, you anticipated to behold things such as memoirs that used to inflict trauma within your head or an upcoming sequence of foresight events, but you were incorrect

You found yourself standing at the forward surface of consisting of great numbers of scintillating stars within the endless skies as you perceive the tract of sands below the loose surface


You revoled your substantiate as three ubiquitous statuette acknowledge your mental uncertainty,



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