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"H-hey eren! Where have you been? I thought I have warned you that children were prohibited inside the woods for the meantime!"

Says the drunkhard bloned wearing an attire that you were not familliar of. His cheeks were tinted with red facial pigments likewise to the other men that you assumed as his comrades.

The place were indeed beyond foreign to you. Structures and countless architectures were way too modern, so as people's clothing. Individuals were tied-up in their own bussiness as the silly laughters own by youthful faces can be heard in every corners of the said location.

"Why don't you do your jobs instead? Rather than to let yourself overwhelm with alcohols."

He responded back in a rather harsh manner as his facial expression screamed in discontentedness. His body moved enflamedledy causing few of the branches to fall down. You picked all of the dirty branches anyways and secure them into your fragile arms.

You stayed silent as the two begun to spat their own philosophies and counterclaims that you were of-course not aware of defensively.

In a blink of an eye you saw a girl with charcoal hair running towards your direction with someone behind her back running leisurely. You faced them as you frowned your eyebrows in sudden familiarization.

The girl with foreign features seems to be familiar as her red scarf reminded you of something. Additionally, the boy that is hyperventilating behind her was sweating bullets as slightly long golden strands shone in the light that is provided by the sun. His facial expression fluttered suddenly as he caught your nonnative e/c eyes observing his features.

"Eren! Where have you been!? We were looking for you everywhere! Your father even requested a search party to the military police knowing you might gone too far from the inner woods!" 

"Eren, didn't I told you to wait for me?"

"I-im not a kid that you should look after! Besides I was just gathering some branches because mother said so."

"You should've told us eren! We were worried for you!" The boy with bright ocean eyes responded.

Both of his friends, named mikasa and armin examine your untidy appearance as you responded their eyes with an unexpressive one. Not knowing what to say, you then crumbled your feet in a sudden embarrassment. You knew you weren't a fan of socializing people when it comes to the unknown strangers you freshly met.

Theyperhaps marleyans, could somewhat say that you were a silent type and would rather spend time studying strategies than to associate with different kinds of people.

"H-hi! I'm armin! And this is our friend mikasa! We live nearby," he stuttered.

"Oh I also forgot to introduced myself earlier, my name is eren."

He claimed as he take his hand infront of you, curiosity suddenly enveloped you not knowing what he was doing.

"You dont know handshakes? Here" he stated as he grabbed your palm gently, your hands and his collided and your eyes widen in amusement.

"We should get going eren, your mother prepared us lunch." says mikasa as she ignored the scenery that is happening infront of her. You knew she couldn't care less, she turned around and started walking.

"What a minute! I haven't seen you around and I guess you're new here, May i know what's your name child?" The curious drunkhard bloned ask referring to you, he then scratched his head countlessly with his eyebrows furrowed in curiosity.

"My name is y/n " you stated without any difficulties, it was short and antiseptic. Your voice personificates a tiger that is not welcoming someone with open arms, he flinched not knowing why and an awkward chuckle escapes his lips.

"Then little y/n, see you on these busy streets!"


"Mother, i'm home, i got the branches you asked."

Eren stated as he open the wooden doors which is the entrance of their home. Armin also bid the three of you a goodbye as he separates himself and walked in the opposite direction where his home is located. Mikasa stayed her wintry presence and replied to eren's statements shortly along the way, meanwhile you stayed silent.

Eren was greeted with his mother's affictionate arms, her amber hues express how fussed she is knowing that her son entered the prohibited area of the woods.

"Oh eren! Where have you been?" She asked with a deep mixture of concern and disappointed in her voice. Eren responded and he was cut of in the midst of his sentence when her mother pinch his ears.

"—How many times i have to told you?!"

Mikasa was about to defend eren when someone entered the scene. You have concluded it was his worried father. He wore glasses and streamline clothing. You stayed at the back lowering your head because of yourself—not knowing how to socialize with people.

"Eren, mikasa who is the girl behind you? And Eren didn't your mother tell you not to enter the prohibited area of the forest?"

"I saw her in the woods today, she seems lost and military police isn't around that's why i brought her here." Erensimply explained.

And as a doctor whom solictude people especially the youthful ones. He stepped forward and bended his knees infront of you with his inclination of giving you a hand of searching your family.

"I'll prepare lunch. Mikasa can you come here and kindly help me do the dishes? Eren you should prepare the branches you have gathered because we have a visitor."

her mother stated with a sign of hospitality in her voice, as three of the silhouette disappear in your peripheral vision.

"What's your name young one?" His father stated while fixing his glasses.


He hyperventilated slightly remembering someone who has that name. Moreover knowing himself, as part of the eldian descendants whom supported the degringolade of marley, he infact knew that something was quite off.


You stated your full name in front of the person whom carries the current ability of attack titan. One of the fragments seperated from the soul of your departed mother, ymir fritz.

As of that very moment. You lifted your gaze and met his hysterical hues. Your features that supposed to send hero-worship to others now gave him a lugubrious second thoughts.

He was out of words and you dont know why. However you kept an empty expression. He stood infront and stepped back slowly. His terrified eyes were locked into yours as if he couldnt imagine whoever person is standing infront of him.


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