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Meeting the aristocrats.


Not salivating to extend those stupid discomfiting lies. the maiden seemingly entangle the wrist of her fellow as the two individuals ran conveying such posthaste acceleration approaching from the swamp of marleyan traffickers with the company of the immigrant youngster,

"What's with that hogwash! Don't play with us!."

The irked group of clauses that the merchants seemingly materialized penetrated within the maiden's hearing range as they maintain their course, running between the center core that the numerous citizen presumably envelop.

Laughters that were plainly caused by pure merriment pierced through the captain's hearing range as they continue running through prevailing probabilities and percentages.


The high-spirits approaching from the maiden that indeed captivate the hearts of the many. Was long thereafter layover when she emplace herself in a certain seat as the said aristocrats penetrated inwardly within the extravagant congress room.

For the very foremost time. The maiden seemingly have stumbled upon the individuals whom presumably own those voluminous martial influence all over the corners of the world that marley itself seemingly salivate,

The said aristocrats consist of ten people, and what made the maiden seemingly appalled is that a mere presence of a youngster is present in the said hushed martial transaction between the maiden and the aristocrats, the picturesque view of the nine-year old child also stupefied the enthrallment of the wintry-individual as the said aristocrats emplaced themselves in such certain seats, transporting plain gestures of plesantries,

Onyankopon—the black indivdiual made his farewell as he seemingly leave the maiden into those aristocrats's care and the said captain. As far as the maiden could hearken back, the aristocrats were consist of ten foreigners altogether advancing from the corners of the world, they make such impress concerning marley's martial firepower considering they're the one's whom furnish marley with great finances concerning the funds that they seemingly charge every time a specified war is taking place.

The justification is that. They are said to be seemingly commit by a solemn act onto the hands of their deity, lavishly to the point where they hail the so called 'the great holy land' —which is the marley with waters of wealth considering their divinity forfend the great geographical continent of marley ages ago,

Ofcourse without the mileages the aristocrats presumably furnished, marley is not powerful as it is today.

Salivating to stopover the hushed air of locality, the maiden were about to douse the black glasses in the hopes for her e/c pigmented irises to scintillate once again in iregular intervals, conveying such voucher that she's indeed the notorious immense supreme being that was kept approaching from the hearts of numerous of folks when one of the said foreigners layover you from doing so.

"Please. Don't take that glasses off, For we are not worth it to stumble upon the sight of you're eyes,"

One of the aristocrats stated, causing the wintry individual to loosed a certain interrogative question out of his urgent curiousness,

"Aren't us?.. from that filthy island tend to arouse suspicion? Don't you thirst for some shitty validation or something...?"

The pigment of the maiden's irises indeed transport predominant justification that she's the supreme divinity that existed ages ago. It was what kiyomi elucidated, she supposed.

Thereafter hearing such thing that presumably approach from one of the aristocrat's mouth. The maiden came into justified reasoning that the group of clauses the aristocrat individual materialized are advancing out of his excessive adulation.

Which means. They are devoted to the core. So bad that they are willing to offer something in the name of their precious divinity, the maiden reasoned this latterly when she herself catechize the pure courtesy those aristocrats seemingly flaunt.

"Okay. I won't" the maiden replied, her hand return on its foremost emplacement.

"-we voyaged all the way here. With the hopes of mine to propound a certain peaceful international treaty between marley and paradis with all of your help ofcourse. But after certain considerations, i know that won't happen." And the maiden continue. Her harangues fall on thoughtful ears.

"I'm not making this meeting long. Join forces with us and continue feeding marley with military budget. I'm begging you from the bottomost of my heart." she layover her group of clauses with a bow. Transporting evident gesticulations of plain courtesy

Despite how the aristocrats endeavor to kept their stupefied mental reaction inwardly at their rigid captivity, it presumably seems to loosed itself thereafter their divinity bow down before their eyes. Excessive deification scintillates at iregular intervals as the wintry individual condone that he's astound as well,

What is she planning?. Feeding marley with military budget? Has she gone insane?. —the captain thought, despite of descrying such picturesque view, he maintain the course of him being in a sudden state of silence,

"no matter what is your decision...I trust you levi, "

The wintry individual longed to trust the maiden likewise,

—and he did it, he maintain listening into her harangues with such thoughtful ears, not conveying any of the grouches that concerns about the maiden's speech.

" Just say the word, and your pleas is our command ." The embody of the aristocrats enunciated.

"—hey levi, can you leave us alone for a minute? I would like to propose something privately."


Thereafter the said congress between the maiden and the aristocrats, the black individual articulate your sudden leave-taking as the aristocrat individuals bid their farewells likewise carrying plain pleasantry as they commence to condone themselves as individuals whom commits such treason against the geographical land of marley,

according to the usual course of things, such involving guilt didn't develop on their insides knowing such things are characterized by plain loyalty devoted to their deity,

Such conundrums still lingers on their mind,

That concerns about

How did our diety voyaged into the future?

Will things turn out to be as expected?

What will happen? why does she salivate to maintain us—aristocrats to furnish marley with great budget?

And, why is she siding with those subjects of ymir?

One thing they know for sure, is that their deity is so supreme that they aren't even worth to be answered,


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