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Few hours have progressed thereafter the humanity oppose in physical conflict with the monarch, you and the minute structure individual scrutinize the fields considering such evident justifications,


Your eyes increased its width descrying kenny in such wounded welfare, you dissipate no time to provide enough assitance concerning his damaged state of being as the dialogue between the relatives maintain its motion,

"All of your friends that fought with us have been crushed, are you the only one left?"

"—seems like it"

Despite of being in such weaken state, kenny ascended his visual contact and was welcomed by those e/c eyes, his chronicles with the royal lineage radiates within your absolute orbs as you maintain rehabilitating his wounds,

"Your eyes made me remind of uri, oh how my ears suffer everytime i hear stories about you haha"

howbeit of the persistent pain he perceive through apprehension, he was able to materialize such spurious laughters as he ascertain his nearing death,

"Those huge burnt and that blood loss, you're already beyond help"

"—dont say that"

The middle aged man let out another gauche laughters concerning your phrase afore he permit the device used to inject fluids to penetrate within the perspective of you and the wintry individual, the minute structure fellow negligibly portray such unpleasant surprise,

nevertheless of the sight that concerns the device, you maintain without interruption the course of you mending kenny's critical injuries considering you're an expertise in such field of medics,

"Something i swiped from rod's bag, its seems that if you inject this, you'll become a titan"

"—i'll become a stupid titan... atleast, i'll be able to extend my life"

Droplets of sweats commence to descend leisurely approaching from your forehead as the tensed colloquy continue,

"—ah, i dont want to die, i want power..."

"Now i feel like i can understand what he did, everyone i've seen has been like that, be it alcohol, women, or even god, family, the king, dreams, children,power"

"—without being drunk of something, no one could have done what they did, everyone was a slave to something...even him—"

Your fellow materialize such instance act of swaying against you as he collar his relative,

"Just, what are you to my mother?"

"HA! You idiot, i'm just her brother"

You eyed the two relative with such weaken etiquette as the crimson fluid of the middle-aged man blemish your clothing, Inside a fraction part of a second, you decipher the codes of this inhuman reality as the minute-structure individual portray such prostrate mental reaction,

"Back then..why did you leave me?"

"I...can't be someone's parent"

He fabricated such words as he upthrust the container of the device towards the chest of your fellow, deserting such despondence feeling, he state his last words...

"Be careful with her....she's not lamb as you thought"

This fueled your vexation as you maintain mending his critical injuries, mountain of fluids bombarded you as your immediate phlegmatic expression went downhill, beholding you in such picturesque view, the minute-structure individual fractured the fresh visual contact towards his now departed relative as the air of a locality between your fellow became emotional,

"You shitty brat...stop...he's dead now"

You didnt listen to his words, instead, you continue to revitalize the middle aged man, the painted scene materialize such deep bodily damage towards levi as you commence to unfasten the lock of his unfeeble individualism,


Split second, your eyes extend its width as he handgrip both of your wrists, your body toughen considering the distance between the both of you, he frowned his eyebrows as he confront you with such interrogative questions,

"Tell me brat....why are you doing this? Why did you kept reviving him? Isn't he's a shitty bastard that comes in your way?...."

The leaves danced rhythmically with the afternoon breeze as the middle aged man's crimson fluid maintain blemishing the premises, the masses of the atmosphere were completely mute with the excluding of your heavy respiring, he eyed you carrying such loads of intense feeling as he let out the question that has been exasperating him for ages,

"Why?...why did you welcome that child with open arms?.."

Your eyes widen in sudden anamnesis as you recall the day you have with kaya,

"Living all alone is nauseating, i dont want someone to feel what i felt, "

He eyed you as kenny's corpse agitate his perspective, he commence to loosen his vigorous grip as the words of the girl who emblematize the world's pureness maintain to merry-go-round throughout his saneness,


Considering your linkage against the royal lineage, your self-hood were concealed within the knowledge of the public to forestall such beaming controversy, the young reiss rest her knees beneath you as you emplace the crown pure of golds towards the young reiss's anterior division,

"She stopped the rampage of her father, the shadow king, with her own hands, she is a true ruler of our walls,"

"Queen historia!"

The military kingpins circled around the young reiss as they exhibit such evident gestures of esteem, the heaven and earth caroled as they welcome the female monarch with open arms,

Considering your fellows commence to distance themselves towards you as they come into absolute awareness that concerns about your individualism, you and the minute structure eventually became inseparable as your bothersome company somewhat convey such physical comfort over to the said fellow,

The wintry individual ruffled your little length strands as it somewhat made him to hearken back isabel's sight, both of you were rising straight up in the midst of the corridors passage through as you maintain your silly altercation with your fellow,

"Shut up leviathan....you shorty old man..."

"You're literally 2000 years old lady"


You layover your phrase as you ascertain forthcoming vestiges, the captain faced the young reiss as the rest of the military troop traced after her, the air of locality between you and your fellows suddenly became tensed as they question the sight of you with the captain,

She transport such bludgeon over to the said wintry-individual as it make no influence, the military troop flaunt such surprise as you maintain your dumbfounded mental reaction,

"How about it? Coming from you queen? If you have any complaints?..."

The minute structure that used to flaunt such evident uncordial individualism, divert his head into you as he smile,

"You guys...thankyou"


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