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"Its been a while, y/n."

You heard womanlike voice as you enter the battle ground between the forces of marley and Eldia. You gave a specific authorative instruction to halt the advancement of the soldiers approaching from the forces of Marley. The Eldia front-liners did likewise.

It was the first time you have entered the battlefield with you on marley's side and knowing your capacity, they let their horsepower play its role as its spearhead despite of you being a mere child.

They have considered the probabilities of you being hurt, that is why they insisted to keep you away from war. But after years of consistent esteem and regards, they knew a time would this would come. And they can't hinder you from doing this.

You kept a expression that parades an easy of unconcern, you wanted them to perceive you as someone who's not afraid of certain things.

After seeing your three sisters in the frontline, you couldn't hinder yourself from asking 'what are they doing here?'. You genuinely understood the fact that your father—the king, hold your sisters very dearly. Someone won't expose their precious daughters close to harm wouldn't they? Unless he has something up in his sleeves.

Nosiness suddenly enveloped your thoughts when your eyes couldn't search the presence of your mother—Ymir fritz.

"Looking for mother?"

Your sister sina asked, your expression didn't changed until voltages surrounded their fragile bodies. Your eyes broaden in sudden surprise as your three older sisters transform into unknown gigantesque titans.

And then it hit you.

Your thoughts had been wiped out in an instance as one of the titans grabbed your fragile body. You were just beyond flabbergast after connecting the missing dots of the sudden turn of events. They ate your mother's departed corpse and that fact was enough for your body to be thunder stroke.

Both of your eyes widen in misery as hot tears begun to gush down into both of your rosy cheeks. Your vision have gone blurry as your life flashed before your eyes.

The unheard-of titan destroy your innocent structure because of the pressure of the squeeze it gaves you. The last thing you saw was your father smiling in an unpleasant way as victory encompass his egoistic mindset.

In your last moments, you felt the most physical persistent sensation everyone could possibly felt. The ruby pigments that used to flow in your veins streamed slowly in the hands of the titan as your limbs seperate widly across the air.

The time just flies so fast.

It was a Melancholy sight knowing the fact that their only hope, and humanities horsepower come to an end in a very disturbing way.
Your life flashed before your eyes as you slowly fell in the deepest Depths of slumber.

You have no regrets in the end. It was the only favorable decision you've ever created in your entire lifespan. You've been anguishing in the eternal silence for a very long time and you knew this is the absolute time were the stars would finally acknowledge your only desire.

The question is. Would the stars give access to your genuine freedom?

"Why are you crying?"

Your eyes hurriedly shot open as emerald orbs greeted your e/c ones with welcoming presence. His thick eyebrows frowned in confusion as gentle breeze winged his attractive chocolate hair strands. He has pile of branches in his back with his expression that is  enveloped by sudden confusion.

You knew it may be the foliage eyes that your mother used to narrate in your restless nights.

Few chaotic h/c strands flew over your face as your eyes examine his expression. He undoubtedly grabbed your hand without your word as both of you sprinted into the aisle of the unknown.

Your tears unknowingly streamed whilst to autumn leaves falling gracefully. The grass was indeed wonderful too. The sun shone as if there were no tomorrow, everything seems to be healthy.

You could say that his eyes screamed the same way as yours. You felt that the two of you were somewhat running behind something, maybe a burdening conflict perhaps?

"Are you lost? Come to my house its nearby, wild wolves were roaming around and you don't want to be eaten alive don't you?"


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