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strong persuasion.


"I'm glad that we're carrying the same resolution, and that i can fight with one of y/n's fellows again."

Louise uttered as she keep her visual contact in a course leading to mikasa's certain direction. The charcoal haired maiden maintain her pace concealing her muscle-bound body with Pure martial variety of vestments with absolute anticipations to forfend herself against of what might the world would bring.

"Yeah." She verbalized depicting pure firmly established resentment. She reduce the length of the crimson fabric that indeed convey pure saccharine value— by doubling it over, she emplaced the scarf aloft the premises of the table as she optioned to abandoned it for a while,

"Are you leaving that scarf behind.?" —it was what louise asked.

Her inqusitive phrase brought numerous of rational elucidations and painful judgements that she, herself couldn't even rummage such absolute righteous replies,

This led her to unclose all of the tormenting confining barriers that she endeavored to put an absolute closure, indefinite amount of likelihoods enveloped the diverse angles of her thoughts as she ascertain her forthcoming explosion, that evidently caused by absolute heavy artillery of plain anguish of mind.

"Yes i am."

There. She bid certain farewells as she readied herself of what the world might bring without the company of the scarf that she, herself hold very deeply.


Five individuals, ascended upwards through taking certain traipses imparting such intense feeling as they ascertain the chord of complete void. Absolute emptiness. Their sight were chaperoned by Heavy artillery of exquisite thunder spears as it punctuate their profound outward appearance in a superlative degree that can indeed withstand unusual strains,

Now that you are not there to escort them anymore In this inhumane premises of this silly chessboard owned by marleyans. They ascertain such hermetic feeling that no one can able to understand. They felt foreign. And it intrude upon their insides as it brough such intense petty provocation .

They felt aggravated for themselves. Considering they maintain pinpointing themselves as the one's whom are justly liable.

From those aghast eyes they used to exhibit.

To those irises that contain pure solemn. There. They faced the declared armed hostile conflict without your company. Thereafter the said military troop reach the destination of the commander post's highest point. They became the primary validation of the absolute hideosity and plain disarray that those wicked individuals brought as distinct auditory impressions of detonations suggesting absolute conflict penetrate within their hearing range.

Yelena emplace herself in a certain seating position as she keep her eyes in such unsavory painted scenes that the said combusting conflagration presumably catalyze. Since your suggesting mourning of solemnity. The military troop determined the absolute existence of pure questionable affairs that resides within her.

She did not dare to flaunt any suggesting gestures of absolute mourn and sorrow. And it made the individuals to be skeptical

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