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In theory, your assignment was relatively straightforward, make it through the forest and everyone gets home safe, that was how it was meant to play out.

A group comprised by eight teenage trainees form their direction into the midst of the desert, presumably taking such actions that they expected to heightened their military credentials.

On this sortie, the mission was handed down to you and your classmates, the 104th cadet company, was to split each squad into two detachments, retrived the object that had been planted in a specified location, and return to base with it, a simple task covering a distance of roughly 80 km in total.

Marco, took the helm to you and your classmates's detachments, and as the current head in the department of academic courses, you made the scribe, task with recording every movement, the second detachment was led by thomas, with mikasa as their scribe.

Both groups left the training camp at the same time, and took seperate paths encircling the massive forest, after exchanging information at the destination where all of you are required to take certain direction, you and your classmates were to return to the training camp via to other group's route.

The point of the exercise was, to see how alert you could remain in peacetime.

"Well, it's better not to gallop all the way, right?" Said by the helm of the detachment that you were belonged, it was your classmate marco who made that statement, an average height with a broad, muscular build man.

"Uh, i guess."

"You'll look a real idiot if you rush on ahead and your horse would gave out, let's just take it nice and slow" it was jean.

"Well i don't know how to hold back, jean if you're going to ride at a snail's pace, I'm going ahead" eren replied.

As the choosen scribble, you wrote down each of their movements, including the little altercation they made.

"Hey wait eren, we need to do this as a group" you told him as you persuade him to collaborate together any further.

"What should we do y/n? jean?" Marco asked.

"Like i care, its not like taking this seriously will get me into military police" jean made a statement.

"That branch doesn't accept illiterate people like you." you brought out straightforwardly as sasha and connie burst out of laughing, it made the atmosphere increased a bit as the rest of the team offered a chuckle, jean's facial expression was now flusttered knowing the person he was supposed to amaze was now turning back in his side.

Your voice was beyond sweetness as if you just made a heartwarming compliment, it has somewhat mixture of a teasing etiquette.

"Y-y/n, you didn't mean that don't you—" armin was cut off it the midst when you replied in a blink of an eye.

"Did i stutter?"

Your voice was beyond sincere, its like it has high amount of sugar content in it, with a little spice of taunt.

"Anyway for now let's just focus on the exercise" marco showed his capacity on leading a certain team.

"Not gonna happen, so were not allowed to moan right now?"

The emit rays of light contribute a sudden thirst in your feeling.

"I'd be fine if moaning made time go faster"


The total absence of light was slowly enveloping the skies with an instance mixing of purple pigments. The troubled movements caused by the relatively long-bodied reptile located underneath the strangling fabric you prepared has now stopped, you killed the reptile hidden within their knowledge.

Your fellow trainess stared at you with innocent puzzlement as you positioned your fingers at the middle of the fabric, seemingly suffocating something.

Your fingers was too strong that it stopped the respiration of the poor reptile in a split second.

"We should've caught that lizard" one of your companion stated.

"Forget about that now, lizards are dumb" jean stated roasting the poor creature.

Your thoughts winged away as you recollect the memory of you compressing the throat of the reptile keeping from the awareness of your friends, you could not refuse to accept the fact that you somewhat enjoy stopping the creature's breathing, the desires of your senses met as tickling strokes of thrill emplaced your body.

You didn't even know why.

You were able to escape your thoughts as you hear jean and eren's loud disputes, you were about to scribble their actions when marco stopped you.

"It's only light dinner conversation" he excused.

"Let's go catch a lizard you guys!" Sasha mentioned, hoping it would stop the fight between eren and jean.

"Shut the fuck up."

"I never liked you from the start."

"That's my line!"

"No it's mine!"

"Can you guys keep quiet already?" You stated as you opened the fabric where the departed corps of the lizard is located, you threw it at the ground hoping it would satisfy their sensation.

"W-what the h-hell?! H-how did you —"

"I caught it while you and eren were having an argument earlier, now let's eat!"

You gave the members of the detachment a wisecrack smile, considering the fact that you stopped eren and jean's argument in a matter of seconds. Oh how marco thanked the heavens, your friends thanked you as all of you enjoyed the dinner for the rest of the night.

"y/n you're the best!"


Just like connie, you put your body in a comfortable certain position, enjoying the sleep that provide beyond physical comfort, and of course you afterwards made a loud snore.

"Don't move" someone said. You could sense the flow of impending evil in his voice as you percieve few
silhouette nearby.

"Shut up" you told him as you continue your slumber.

"Gather up all the 3d maneuver gears, and make it snappy" you assumed it was the leader who stated it.

"What are you going to do with them?"

"Gonna sell 'em to our contracts, it's not as if you're gonna rid the world of titans, so what's wrong with putting useless equipment to better use" the stranger answered, but still that didn't caused you to open your eyes.

"Do you know what's wrong?" You asked with your eyes closed.


"Waking up someone while they're sleeping."


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