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The young reiss hearken the chronicle you narrate as it made such correspondence into the narrative that she holds dearly the most, it was the novelette that frieda used to storytell in her early stage, she kept her welkin eyes into the  metamorphosis of the monarch as it maintain producing such intense fervent vapor,

the tale you chronicled deposit the rest of the military troop in the sudden state of reticent as the horses continued its motion, the young reiss eyed you with gesticulations of being dejected as she eventually fully apprehended the incumbencies she must endure,

"Back then... i was really thinking of becoming a titan and killing eren, i just wanted to believe father wasn't wrong, i didnt want him to hate me either, now tell me y/n—"

She divert her head into your direction as your outward appearance in her perspective altered, your little lenght chaotic strands were spawned in her head in a sudden as both of your orbs catalyzed her to conceive evident justifications that the pigment you bear somewhat harmonize the tincture of the eyes of the true founder,

"—who are you to be exact? Why do you bear the eyes of the founder?, why do you have the complete practical understanding of the legend that the royal lineage cache within the knowlege of the public?"

Numerous of probabilities were circling around your fellows head, considering the sudden turn of occurrence were now going to unplug your caliginous yesterday,

—finally, the answers that concerns over your cryptic individualism that they indeed longed persistently were now going to be answered,

"I'm Y/n fritz, i was the girl who used to exemplifying the pureness of the world,"

You fabricated such provisory visual contact towards the said military troop as their cluttered mental reaction commits instantly into your memory, you shattered the said visual contact as you divert your head into the tremendous concrete wall that were now forthcoming, you pinpoint the said high thick masonry structure as it was sooner traced after the eyes of your fellows,


"You see those walls?, those enormous structures serve as a symbol of the world's adversities, they were named after my sisters, whereas i depict its pureness"

"—y/n, we dont understand-"

"I'am the girl of used to wear dilapidated clothing in such early stage of life, I'm the girl who seeks for answers in millenniums,—"

"I'm that girl in that novelette that i chronicled, I'm the girl who the royal lineage express such excessive deification,"

"—I'am the fourth maiden of ymir,"

The young reiss ascertain the droplets of clear saline fluid commence to stream down as she hearken back the particular point of time wherein her father striked her sharply with his open hand, the truths were still a conundrum over to the said individuals as they cannot swallow the particular detail of your sessions of confessing,

"We cannot fully comprehend what you were talking about—"

"—She's the daughter of the first eldian king, the deity that was glorify by the royal household for centuries"

Finally diverting her head into your direction, the young reiss materialize such prostrate visual contact against your exhausted eyes as she mentally grasp the practical understanding that concerns, she is now in the foreward surface of the enthroning sacred deity that his father idolize the most,

That the whole royal lineage deify into the greatest degree for centuries rather, the said
excessive admiration was said to advanced from karl fritz's peculiar habit as it was receive by his descendants as legacy,

You eyed the young reiss with gesticulations of being tuckered out as you consider probable that she might portray such evident gestures of excessive adulation that you loath the most,

However, she flaunt such pantomimes of being sympathy, just like you, she doesnt yearn to be a god that the monarch crave out of her, the individuals cannot ingest the sudden turn of events as each of your fellows let out mimes of being astound, despite of being toughly hurt at the moment, hanji endeavor to seat as the said confesion hangrip her immediate immersion,

"—s-so that's means that, y/n is historia's ancestor?!"

Each and everyone eyed sasha as your fellows with an exclusion of the said minute structure captain,—ascertain unpleasant stimuation thrust inwardly into their stomach as they eventually come into certain judgement that, all this time, they were consuming their moments with the company of a millenium year old deity,

"H-how did this happened? I have so many questions y/n-"

"Hahahaha! I-i cannot believe hanging out with a deity all along! so this is what a millenium year old humor is like"

Each and everyone mentally facepalmed in dismay considering connie's amusing quality as he maintain his perturbed laughters, he immediately layovers his laughs up until the minute structure captain scowl in response,

"Those answers can wait, right now we have some shitty-ass titan to bargain with"

"—The hope of humanity is in your hands y/n, the conundrums we seek are all extend within you"

You divert your head into the direction of your fellow, the wintry captain, you gave him an upward carve of your lips despite of being exhausted at the moment,

"Yes kevin...i hear that-"

"—if y/n is one of those fertility goddess in eldian folklore, then she might be bestowed a monarchial title,"

"you're right hanji-san! Considering those religous ritual were devoted into y/n, i doubt she's going to dethroned rod reiss, additionally, the royal lineage sees her more like a deity, so there's huge probabilities that she might oust dhalis zachary in his current seat"

Each and everyone eventually fell speechless,

Up until now, they cannot swallow the turn of events,


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