14 - Mistletoe

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From Thanksgiving to Christmas, Monty's inbox and mailbox filled up with invitations. He avoided as many as possible but couldn't say no to Bea's Christmas Eve party. For years he had traveled to avoid the holiday season.

Sage and her new baby were the center of attention. When people weren't talking about the baby, they were discussing Ted's New Year's Eve wedding. Everyone, except him, accepted Sloane and her ballplayer as a couple.

Monty helped himself to a spiked eggnog, hoping to dull the ache just a little. When he went outside, he wondered if Sofia was somewhere, but didn't ask. Maybe she was watching her niece. Julio had opened the door when he arrived.

Before he slipped out, his father cornered him about working for the company. The security breach gave him a reprieve, but all good things must end.

"Give me a list and I'll see what I can do."

Sound agreeable and buy more time. Maybe he could compile a workable itinerary. It was a problem for the new year.

Returning from his jaunt outside, he ran into Jessica in the front hall. She pointed to the archway leading into the dining room.


"I'm not standing under it. Tell Trey."

"He would rather kiss his secretary."

Monty leaned in towards her ear. "Why won't he divorce you then?"

"Hayes's don't divorce." It sounded like crap since the man was a divorce attorney. "I have a Christmas present for you downstairs."

From the dining room, he heard Ted teasing Sloane about leaving him one tenant short. "You finally get to live in one of my condos."

"It's a great condo. Right?" The ballplayer had his hand possessively on her hip.

"I love it and my new roommate."

"You two make me sick!" Tori made the group laugh.

Jessica smiled a wicked smile. "You deserve a holiday treat."

Maybe he did. He was pretty sure Trey wouldn't care, especially if he was screwing at the office. Spineless, he met her in the theater room.

"Too bad there's no mistletoe down here."

"I don't want to kiss you."

She pouted but didn't complain. He let her slip up the stairs first, before tucking in his shirt and returning to the ballroom.

Tori approached him. "Are you okay?"

He shrugged. "Christmas at the Whitby's isn't yule logs and goodwill toward men."

Tori laughed. "I suppose not, but I meant with Sloane and Ben."

"I'm just the drunk. We don't have feelings."

She shook her head and pulled on his hand to dance. Trey and Jessica were dancing. The man tried to hide it, but he looked miserable.

Tori spoke softly, so he had to strain to hear her over the music.

"I think you have too many feelings especially for my sister. Maybe I see it because..."

"We're cut from the same cloth."

She smiled. "Not the words I'd choose, Grandma, but..."

"I'm right."

"Are you really a drunk?"

"Poll the room."

It was a small gathering with only their closest friends. Not even Oliver's family had been invited. He looked around the room and wondered who his friends were. Bea. Trey? Jessica? Honestly, he couldn't figure out what her motivation was. Once again, he vowed not to give in to her again.

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