17 - Amoeba

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Sofia was pacing with baby Daniel in her arms just before midnight when Monty sat down on the sofa.

"It's been taken care of."

"How? What did he do?"

Monty shrugged. "It's best not to know."

"Is he a criminal?"

"No, but your photographer is."

He looked at his watch to gauge Gray's arrival. It was two minutes to the kisses. Sofia looked at her phone.

"You should go back to your party."

"I'd rather not."

It was a moment he preferred to miss. Once the celebration died down, he would have to think about not having someone to kiss at midnight. He had watched Tori slip out the door a few minutes before. He didn't blame her for wanting to escape to the fountain she loved so much.

The voices in the ballroom began counting down in unison. After "Happy New Year" it was suddenly quiet. Monty tried not to think of the lovers kissing.

"Happy New Year, triste Monty."

He let out a chuckle as a release to his pent up emotion. Triste.

"You can have a happy one now." His voice was quiet and shaky from the emotion pulsing through him.

"Does the nickname upset you?"

"No. It's just that it's true. I'll leave. I can be very depressing to be around."

"Can I talk to him when he gets here?"

Monty nodded. "We'll wait until you've finished caring for the baby."

Shortly after he returned to the ballroom, he watched Sage as she hugged Mia and Ted. The newlyweds were leaving and Sage left the room toward Sofia.

He was pulled into a conversation with Bea and Vanessa Hayes. When he heard his favorite voice call his name, he turned his attention to the face he loved.

"Monty, your bodyguard is waiting out front. Does he carry you home and break up your bar fights?"

"He's my chauffeur. Lazy asses like me don't need bodyguards." Unless traveling to sketchy places.

"Whatever. Happy New Year." She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

When she turned away, he saw Tori watching him with a sad face. Trista. Tori shook her head and turned away. He didn't know if she was thinking of her demons or his.

He went to find Sofia. She wasn't in the room she had been in all night. He walked through to the kitchen. His gut told him to step outside. She stood against the wall where he had been the first time he laid eyes on her.

He put his phone to his ear. "Hey drive around back."

"Right. Boss."

One corner of Monty's mouth lifted. People must have been around him for him to respond officially. He turned to Sofia.

"Let's go find out what happened."

"He sent me a text. He said he's watching me. He knows where I live."

He did the only thing he knew to do. He put his arm around her and told her it would be okay as he led her to his car.

Gray parked and Monty ushered Sofia into the front seat. He climbed in the back.

"This is Gray."

"Okaaay." She drew it out.

"I told you he could take care of it. What happened?"

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