15 - The Envelope

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Sofia missed Jace while he was with his family. They were supposed to be casual, but it was hard not to want to be casual as often as possible. The last time she saw him was for the photo shoot.

If she had to pose with anyone else, she might not have gone through with it. The poses were like the ones they had done before, but they both only wore underwear. Dressed in boxers, Jace held her while she wore lacy panties and bra.

Jace made her laugh, so she wasn't nervous. He told her about his first underwear shoot, when he had to wear briefs.

After about thirty minutes, Alan said to take a break. "I think I ate something bad. I've got the trots."

Sofia felt disgusted and told Jace about her first meeting with the man. Jace laughed into her neck.

"Being with you like this is so hhharrrd."

She giggled and let him take liberties with his hand until they heard the flush. Laughing, they moved apart.

"Let's finish this at my place."

She was more than happy to agree, but that was days ago. Although she had a wonderful family Christmas, she wanted it to be January second. She missed Jace.

Having Lina made Christmas better. Her niece stayed at the house on Christmas Eve night. Rosa and Julio came late after they finished working. Bea always gave them Christmas Day and the day after off.

On Christmas, they woke to find presents from Papá Noel. Growing up, Niño Jesús brought Sofia and Rosa presents. Rosa had decided that Lina should have a more American experience. Sofia remembered feeling left out at school when she didn't have stories of Santa Claus.

Sofia sat with Rosa and Julio after the festivities were over, feeling tired and full.

"How was the party?"

"Hard work." Bea's guests never impressed Rosa.

Julio smiled. "No Jett. Just Lynch."

Sofia thought of Monty. "Anything exciting happen?"

Rosa said, "No one got drunk. I know why you're asking."

"I wasn't. Were the dresses beautiful?"

"You fantasize too much, Sofia. You can see them on New Year's Eve when you help with Daniel."

Julio said, "He's a big boy."

Rosa eyed him. "Don't get any ideas. We work too hard. Lina is enough."

Sofia felt sad. She would love more children in the family. She wondered if Jace liked children. Her family would freak if she married a model, especially one who was not Latino. She hadn't told anyone about Jace. He was her secret.

Five days after Christmas, she was contemplating her future when the mail arrived, including a large envelope with her name on it. She tore it open. Inside was a typed letter and another envelope.

She read the letter. There was nothing pleasant about a demand for a half a million dollars and the threats if she told anyone or went to the police. Her stomach lurched. She knew Alan was behind it

Her hands shook as she opened the envelope. Inside were the poses of her and Jace, but they had replaced his head with Sage's husband. The letter stated he would send the pictures and video to the Petersens, if she didn't get the money.

Video! The gilipollas. She couldn't get that much money. Rosa and Julio would lose their jobs and home. Sage would think her husband had an affair. Sofia had never even spoken more than three words to him. Bea would hate her.

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