25 - Worry

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Sofia took a sip of wine. Luis eyed her across the table.

She glared back. "Qué?"

He whispered, "Something's not right."

She sighed. "Not you too. You sound like Rosa."

He laughed. "No one sounds like Rosa."

He looked tired as he continued to stare. Hopefully, he couldn't read minds. Her mind was filled with so many thoughts she shouldn't have.

"Triste? Prima pequeña smile."

She let out a sigh and forced a smile. She was younger than Luis, so he called her his little cousin. She was unhappy, because she hadn't heard from Monty in three weeks. Every day, she worried a little more.

"You say you work, but you are here helping Harper."

"Because you, my dear cousin, work too many hours and your son is a chollicky boy."

"My Sebastian is perfect."

She laughed. He was a beautiful boy. The sound of crying reached the kitchen of the small ranch house in Melrose, a suburb north of the city. "Perfect lungs."

Sofia had been bored and offered to help her cousin's wife with their baby. Harper was a beautiful blonde, but she didn't come from hearty stock. She frazzled easily. Sofia's tia, Harper's mother-in-law, reminded anyone who listened that Harper wasn't Colombian. Sofia didn't think it mattered, because Luis loved her. Sofia wanted a man to love her, but she would have to fall out of love first.

"I'm working at Rosa's on Saturday night."

Harper appeared with Sebastian wailing. Sofia snatched the infant. His belly felt hard. "Poor bebé." She cooed.

Without her baby, Harper sat on her husband's lap. To Sofia, it looked natural and intimate. She wanted what they had.

"You listen for a sleeping baby and watch the beautiful people in gorgeous dresses." Harper loved fashion, too.

"Daniel's older, so I'll take the monitor into the kitchen to help Rosa."

Would Monty be back in five days? Parties were always more fun when Monty slinked around the house.

"What about Lina?" Luis asked.

Sofia shrugged. "Sometimes I watch her too. She falls asleep at the big house and Julio carries her home. Sometimes she stays with Julio's Mamá or mine."

"I wish I could see one of the parties. What's the occasion?"

Sofia shrugged. "Someone came home after being in Africa for years. It's a big secret why he stayed away so long."

"Drama. Rich people have drama. Is your boss rich like Rosa's?"

Was he? "The family is."

Luis looked at her. "You haven't traveled in months." One and a half. "Are you getting paid?"

She received a deposit every week. "I have responsibilities."

Harper sighed. "House sitting. Is it beautiful?"

"I love it." She found it harder to return home after staying in the condo.

"And it's legal?" Luis was like Rosa.


"Who was the guy from the birthday party who Rosa doesn't like? He kept looking at you."

Sofia felt her belly quiver. Had he looked at her? Luis was picking up on her trail of lies, maybe more than hers. Her family's favorite neighborhood restaurant was featured in the June edition of Beantown magazine. Lines formed down the sidewalk with people who had never been to East Boston before. Her parents complained, but Rosa was excited her favorite celebrity chose Colombian cuisine to review. Coincidence? Sofia would bet against it.

"A Whitby. Rosa thinks he's a drunk. He drank nothing but water." He has a thing for water.

"Does he know you?"

She nodded. "He used to slip out the kitchen door to smoke, vape actually. We have spoken."

"About what?" Harper sighed. She acted like Bea and her friends were the royal family.

"I don't remember. He knows I'm Rosa's sister."

Harper continued. "Is he good looking?"

Harper had stayed home with newborn Sebastian the night of the party. Sofia bounced the irritable baby to sleep. Her cousin called her a baby whisperer.

Sofia felt heat in her cheeks and was forced to nod about Monty's looks. Otherwise it would be obvious she was lying.

Luis said, "She has a crush. You are magic with my son."

She loved the feel of little bodies against hers.

Harper asked, "Will he be at the party?"

"I wouldn't know." She wished she did. She had texted him and emailed him without any response.

Later, when she sat in Monty's condo, she allowed herself to worry. Had he hurt himself on a crazy jump? How would she know? No one would tell her. Rosa might with a smile on her face. Would his father walk through the door and wonder who she was? How awful was she that she had him dead?

Her mother had always been a worrier. Sofia had her worry gene. Rosa had her bossy gene. Rosa worried about Sofia getting arrested, but not Julio when he came home late.

After tossing and turning, she woke to find an email and a text. The email was written over two weeks before. He explained they had spotty reception and would be out of touch. The text made her smile.

M: Back in civilization. Be home the end of the week. Stock the fridge. Miss you.

Sofia danced around. They're fine! They're coming home. He missed me!

Missed meant he was looking forward to seeing her. It didn't mean he longed to see her and breathe in her scent. Worrying about him had only deepened her own feelings. She was a total cliché, in love with her boss.

She didn't hear from Monty again as the week wore on. By Friday, she was questioning his interpretation of the end of the week. Saturday morning, she stumbled downstairs and looked around. Luggage sat inside the door. The tags only had BOS and didn't show where they had been.

They were home, and she had slept through their arrival. She hadn't finished her coffee when her phone began buzzing.

R: Busy day. Need help.

S: When?

R: Now.

S: What do you need?

R: Everything but help with L.

Sofia reluctantly packed a change of clothes. She'd have to shower at Rosa's place later. She left the condo without seeing Monty.

All day, she helped entertain her niece. She showered in the late afternoon which proved wise because Sage arrived hoping she would watch Daniel while she dressed for the party.

She had one text all day.

M: Where are you?

S: With Lina. Rose is busy with party prep.

She didn't ask if he was invited. What if he wasn't? She would feel rude.

She couldn't ask Rosa or Sage. She wasn't supposed to know any of her friends. Was Monty her friend? Had she ever been to his condo? She definitely didn't know his secret.

Daniel was awake at the party and with his parents as guests arrived. Julio manned the door. Sofia stood in the kitchen doorway watching Lina play. She felt a tap on her shoulder and heard the back door.

"I'll be right back."

When she stepped outside, he was exactly where he was the first time she saw him. As her eyes went to feast on his face, she frowned. He looked awful. She reached her hand out to touch his gaunt face.

answers tomorrow ❤

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