40 - Paradise

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Had Sofia really boarded a plane with no notice? Something had happened, she sensed it. In the whirlwind of packing and getting to the airport, she had forgotten she was mad at Monty and the mess they created.

He asked her to pack, and she did. Gray teased about a honeymoon, but she suspected the trip was his goodbye.

As they approached the island, she only saw blue water out the window. It looked like paradise. She would have a taste of paradise before saying goodbye.

Monty immediately took out his phone and frowned as it buzzed. She should text her sister but put it off. He led her to a hired car. She sat wide-eyed at the beauty of the crystal blue water and green everywhere. When the car stopped, she looked at a large white home with a pink roof.

Monty stood and held the door for her, before lifting their luggage out of the trunk. She watched him open the door with a key.

The inside felt stuffy. "I forgot to call the caretaker."

She stared across the room at the large window and the view of the ocean. He walked across and opened the sliding door, letting in the tropical breeze. She followed him to the deck. To the right was a gorgeous pool. It really was paradise.

His phone buzzed. It had hardly stopped since they landed, and he didn't appear bothered by it.

"Someone is trying to reach you."

He shrugged. "No one I need to talk to. I'm here with you, my wife."

Her belly flipped. How could a mistake feel so good?

"This is a private beach so we can make love right here." He pointed to a lounge on the deck. "Or there." The pool. "I've wanted you since last night."

Her belly clenched. "Show me the rest of the house."

The tour ended in his room. He undressed her, but her bikini didn't go on right away. Sated, she brushed her lips on his shoulder. She wanted to remember every moment.

"We should go enjoy the sun. I need to call the caretaker."

She slipped into her black string bikini and stepped outside. Winter in Boston became a distant memory.

She sat with her foot in the pool and leaned back to capture the warmth on her skin.

"A goddess." She smiled at his sexy voice. "We'll have groceries in a few hours."

His phone buzzed again. "Who keeps calling?"

"Everyone. You never asked about my dinner."

"How was your dinner?"

"Awful. My old man chose my wife and I might have told him I already had a wife."

She sat up. "You what?!"

"I had to get him off my back. I didn't tell him who. No one will know it's you."

"Because you're ashamed of me!"

"No! You're ashamed of me. Rosa hates me. Your family..."

What he said was true. She stared at the ocean, feeling very confused.

She said, "Bea will know."

"Bea knows everything. She... Did she send you to make a wish?"

She nodded. "You hit a fish!"

He smiled. "What did you wish for?"

"It doesn't matter. Who keeps calling you?"

"My mother and everyone I know. Not my father, which surprises me since I should be at work."

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