47 - The Fountain

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Bea Petersen received a call from her dear friend Celia. Over the past year, the two women had talked. Celia lived with regret over the way she raised her son and allowed Montgomery to embarrass her.

"Sofia is expecting. Monty told me when he stopped by to see his father."

The boy who Bea loved like a son needed a wish. The day was warm as she entered her garden. It was hard to keep unchristian thoughts about Montgomery at bay. She never liked him. The tongue he hurt others with no longer formed words. He strayed throughout his marriage, but they kept him in a room with a nurse while his wife lived her life. The man wasn't neglected, but the stroke put him in a physical prison. Bea's mind tossed around the word karma.

She stood in front of her fountain. She loved every couple the fountain guided, starting with Sage and Aidan. Her daughter was expecting a second son. Aidan left his firm and was working as Bill's right hand. Maybe someday, Bill would retire.

Brenna and Noah were happy with their two children, and it was unknown if Mia would have a second baby. She was busy getting her boutique cookie shop going. It was bound to be a success after the review Trista Montgomery gave it.

Sloane and Ben were happy with their grueling schedules and each other. Monty pined for her for years, but she was never meant to be his, just like Tori wasn't meant for Tom. Katie was expecting a daughter, but Tom told everyone who listened he was glad not to be having twins. She never imagined Trey as the father of three children, but he was amazing at quieting an infant. Ted has some competion for the title of baby whisperer. Sofia was the all star, but the men are adorable with a baby in their arms. Victoria and Jon had a funny look when anyone mentioned a baby, so Bea suspected it was just a matter of time. She would like it if Jon and Monty's children grew up together like they had.

She held her coin tight and shut her eyes. "I wish for Monty and Sofia to have a healthy baby and live happily ever after."

The End of The Wish Series

A/N There is a lot of pressure for a Gray story. If I write it, I am not sure where it will fit in. Possibly in a future series. I have a feeling my series will end up being intermingled with each other.  Will there be more wishes in Bea's fountain? Maybe. So is the end ever the end? 

Scroll for Monty and Sofia's video...

Read Oliver Sumner's story, Designs on You, the first book in The Publisher Series.

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