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Gray pulled into the Petersen's circular drive. "Call..."

"I know. Call if I need you. I'll be fine. Sofia is in there somewhere." He looked at the house glowing with warm lights. It was a beacon to him. Why couldn't he grow up in a loving home?

A car pulled up behind him and his mother stepped out. She looked lovely for a woman who was attending an event where half the guest knew her husband was a cheating bastard.

"Darling, thank you for being my date."

He smiled. He had more sympathy and forgiveness for his mother and her mistakes. "Your husband tried to strong arm me into a date or marriage or both for a chain of stores. Tell me, if I married a girl without a business deal, with no business at all, would you accept her?"

"I only want you to be happy. You are smart enough not to choose a woman who only wants money. Trey was smart too, but he was young."

Sofia didn't want his money, although he wanted to buy her nice things.

He made a face. "He dragged me to lunch with Jessica."

"She's his newest distraction, because she's convenient and easy. He'll tire of her and move on."

Monty couldn't respond, because Julio was at the door. Monty smiled bigger than he ever had and replied to his greeting.

"Thank you, Julio. It's nice to see you. How is your sweet daughter, Lina?"

The man smiled and held up his pinky. "Wrapped right around."

Monty laughed. The man was his relative.

He tried to avoid the looks of pity when he entered with his mother. Thankfully, there were plenty of people he didn't know. He wanted to slip up the stairs to find Sofia but was afraid to run into the bride.

He sat next to his mother in chairs which had been set up in rows. He felt his eyes widen as Trey walked in with a pregnant woman. Maybe the rumors had been exaggerated when he heard he had a daughter.

His mother leaned in. "She's beautiful. I saw pictures of their daughter. She's a strawberry blond."

Whatever that was. So he had a child. "Why didn't he divorce her, and why now?"

"She had something on him which wasn't as bad as an ethics violation. The brothers have made up too."

He felt a stab of envy. He, Trey, and Tori had been the lonely one. He had Sofia, but Trey had the blonde and siblings. Monty's brother-in-law had held the door for him.

He thought of Sofia lying in his arms as his former love vowed to love another man forever. Did Sofia regret their marriage? Would she regret not having a real wedding in a beautiful white gown? Deep in thought, he looked up to discover it was over. Kryptonite was married, but so was he. He wished his gorgeous wife was on his arm, as he stood so the staff could remove the chairs.

His mother walked over to Bea and he slipped through his favorite door and up the backstairs. Sofia was caring for Tom's baby. Sage's son was almost a year old and asleep. Sofia looked up from rocking the younger baby.

She reminded him of the Madonna Litta he saw at a museum in Saint Petersburg.

"How was the wedding?" She whispered. The baby's lids were almost closed.

"Nicer than the sin city special."

She rolled her eyes. "You need to go. You can't be caught up here."

"Fine. I know I'll see you later." Sofia frowned. "You'll tell me what Rosa said later."

On impulse, he reached out and touch the downy head before caressing her cheek. Pink painted her cheeks as he turned to leave. No one saw him when he slipped down the backstairs. Going through the door to the ballroom, he walked right into Jon and Tori.

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