35 - Lucky

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Gray yelled into the phone. "What the hell! You didn't! Were you both drunk? Sofia, what were you thinking?"

Monty answered his friend. "We were only drunk on each other." He might have felt light-headed with elation. "It felt right. It solves a lot of problems with the old man."

Sophia's eyes widened. There were so many more reasons.

"He'll go ballistic. Sofia isn't a pawn in your fucked up relationship!"

"I know that!"

He walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower.

Gray's raised voice came through his phone even though it was no longer on speaker.

"Seriously rich boy, you're fucking with her."

"Man, it's so much better than fucking. It's amazing. Bliss."

Gray sighed. "What about Trista?"

"She knows."

"You told her! You wouldn't tell kryptonite."

He trusted Sofia. His relationship with Sloane was a train wreck. He saw it and it only took a decade. She broke his heart sending him in a tailspin, yet he loved her for years. Maybe he never told her the truth because he knew she would never take him back. Perhaps he never trusted her not to break his heart again. What would happen the first time he tipped the bottle because he was pissed at his father? She would walk away from him. Would Sofia? Probably. Only Gray stayed.

"I didn't have to tell her. She knew. We let her in. Both of us. I know you trust her."

"I do. She's pure gold. If you tarnish her."

"You said you didn't want her."

Monty had accused Gray of liking Sofia many times.

"I didn't. I don't. Not even because she doesn't look at me that way."

"Can't you be happy for me? She makes me feel happy."

"I'll be happy as long as she is. Are you going to send her off to do your job?"

"You could go and she can stay home in my bed."

"I'm not leaving you on your own. I go to see my mother for a few days and you fucking get hitched."

Monty stepped into the shower, bringing his phone.

"It'll be fine. Maybe Sofia is who I've needed all along."

"I hope so, because her heart is involved too. It's not about just you anymore."

"That's the best part."

He turned off the shower and grabbed a towel. He wasn't one to waste time and water. He left the damp towel on a hook and wrapped a dry one around his waist. He wasn't shy but would have a better chance of getting clothes on if he didn't leave the steamy room naked.

Sofia looked up from her luggage. She was digging for clothing. "We have to go back to the tacky chapel. Maybe it's not too late and they'll undo it."

He frowned. Did she not care about him? "It's done. You're stuck with me. I was hoping you would give me a chance before you dumped me."

"This is crazy. Even Gray thinks it is. I heard him."

"Yeah. He's on your side. He'll pummel me if I hurt you. It's not my plan for either of us to get hurt."

"What do I tell my family?"

"Nothing. Everything, except about Trista. No one can know, not even your sister."

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