22 - Another wish

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Sofia woke in the plush bed in Monty's guest room. He and Gray had been gone for a few weeks, and Monty asked her to stay at the condo when she wasn't traveling. Having never lived alone, she loved her independence.

Traveling alone could be lonely, but she never felt alone at the luxurious condo. Monty had sent her a shopping list because they were returning home.

She felt dread at the thought. It wasn't because she didn't miss them, because she had. Her parents would be glad to see her. Unlike Rosa, they accepted her explanation of her job. Rosa always bombarded her with questions. When she told her it was confidential, Rosa scowled.

Sofia worried about Monty's return because Ben Lynch was engaged. The woman Monty loved agreed to marry another man.

Sofia typed on the laptop Monty bought her. She strived to write a report which wouldn't require any edits. She had visited cities across the south. Charleston was especially romantic, and she wished she hadn't been alone. There was no question who she wished she could be with. She had plenty of day dreams about traveling with him. Her crush had grown for the sad man.

She recently watched Daniel during a small gathering and overheard Mr. Whitby complaining about his son. She traveled fifteen days a month and the man didn't appreciate it. Her anger grew as she witnessed the cold man ridicule his own child. Thankfully, Bea overheard and complimented her friend.

"You should be proud. He's a pleasant, intelligent young man."

Mr. Whitby stared at Bea as if she spoke a foreign language. "He'll settle down one way or another, or I'll cut him off. He needs to think about carrying on the Whitby name."

"Let the boy fall in love."

"I'm not leaving the future of the Whitby family to a drunken encounter."

Bea smiled and said, "He might surprise you, but do it your way."

Bea walked away and shook her head as she met Sofia's eyes. Sofia couldn't pretend she hadn't listened, because the man had been loud. Monty didn't deserve his slander.

She wanted to yell at the ornery man. He got his reports, and they were perfect. The information wasn't because she often found issues. She completed her report and read it over for mistakes.

Sofia smiled. Monty was coming home. She frowned, remembering the engagement. She had time to visit Lina before shopping. A wish might make her feel better. She lied when she pretended she didn't believe.

Rosa was in Bea's pantry taking inventory. Lina wasn't in the kitchen.

"Where's the bebé?"

"Miss. Bea stole her. She misses her garden." The growing season wouldn't begin for a month or two. "Julio drove Mr. Petersen to the port in Maine. He'll be gone all day. You're not working, mule."

Sofia laughed to hide her anger. "I'm not a criminal. I'm not involved with drugs. The person I work for is secretive, but it's all legal." Only deceptive.

"Then tell me. You know I'm trustworthy."

Even if she trusted her sister not to tell Bea, Rosa would flip to find out she worked for Monty. Her mind was as set about him as all his rich friends. Monty never drank when they went out to eat. If he was an out of control drunk, he would.

She had learned the truth from Gray. The gentle giant struggled with alcoholism. Monty abused it, but not like his reputation. Sofia wished she could be the woman to heal his heart.

According to his father, it was only a matter of time before another woman worthy of being a Whitby won his heart. He didn't have a black heart. It was broken, but not dead.

"You wouldn't have a job if you told me the secrets you heard in this house. I like my job. I don't want to lose it."

"Bea doesn't care if I tell who I work for."

"You should be more careful. The wrong apple could exploit you for money."

Rosa laughed. "Exploit me with what?"

You'd be surprised. "Threaten you or kidnap Lina."

"Where do you get ideas like that? The books you read?"

Sofia put her hand on her full, curvy hips. She may love fashion, but under her hands was the soft faded denim of her worn ripped jeans. "Blackmail happens in real life."

"Maybe in your life since you work for a drug lord criminal."

Sofia sighed. She had followed Rosa into the kitchen. The March Beantown magazine sat on top of some invoices on Rosa's desk where she kept her laptop. Refusing to engage more about her boss, Sofia changed the subject.

"Did you read Trista's review?"

"Bea's upset. It was one of her favorite restaurants, and now it takes weeks for a reservation."

"Why does she go out when she has you?" Not waiting for a response, she bragged. "I had a business meeting there. It was good."


"The French restaurant. The one on Boylston Street Trista reviewed."

"I thought you went to the Thai restaurant."

"I did."

"I don't believe you. If you said Italian restaurants, I might believe you. You probably work for the mafia."

"A minute ago it was a drug dealer." Sofia toyed with her sister. "Maybe it's not the Italian mafia, but the Irish mob from Southie."

"Are you admitting it?"

"No!" She laughed. "We watched the Whitey Bulger movie together."

Rosa shrugged. "Whatever. I told Miss. Bea, I would make a beef short rib Daube stew."

Sofia gasped. "But Trista said it wasn't as good as in France."

"This isn't France is it."

Sofia suspected it wasn't a coincidence she had been to the restaurants of Trista's most recent reviews. She had told herself she was crazy, but the clues were like a trail of breadcrumbs. Gourmet crumbs.

Monty worked out on his fancy bike in his basement. She knew because she ventured down the stairs to see his workout room. It smelled powerfully male with expensive equipment. Other than evidence of their travel decorating the walls and the collection of Trista's books, the condo held no other evidence. Sofia had searched.

It contained secrets, because Monty's room was always locked. She had a strong desire to get a glimpse of his domain. She would like more than a glimpse. It didn't matter if she was wrong and he was just a globe-trotting rich boy, because she would never be invited to fulfill her fantasy and share his bed. She would always be the cook's sister.


Sofia turned and smiled as Lina ran into the kitchen. "Hi, sweet girl."

Bea smiled. "You girls look serious."

"I'm trying to find out more about Sofia's new job."

"Are you enjoying it?"

"Very much. I travel a lot."

"What about your wish? Are you looking for love?" Sofia shrugged. Bea's voice filled the kitchen. "You need to make another wish. Don't give up. Your soulmate is out there. My fountain knows. Go."

She spent too much time arguing with Rosa and shook her head. "I have errands."

"It only takes a few minutes, you're young. Walk fast."

She sighed. "Fine." The truth was, she wanted another wish. It would never come true without magic.

She stood in front of the fountain. It was still shut off for the winter. The snow had melted, but the March cold bit at her as she walked across the brown crunchy lawn. Twice she and Monty had been at the fountain at the same time. Was it fate?

Closing her eyes, she wished. For his heart to heal. Wishing for him to love her would be a waste. Montgomery Whitby erased her silly fantasies.

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