39 - A Rumor

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Something was wrong with Sofia. She was subdued before her trip, and whatever was bothering her hadn't disappeared. A worry had embedded itself just under Monty's skin and it was burrowing in deeper. He feared she would give up on him and leave. His heart ached when he thought about his life going back to the way it had been before her. So much had changed in a year. He had changed the most, and it was all because of the sassy, beautiful girl who saw him when no one else did.

Monty sat in the back seat as Gray drove him in town to the restaurant.

"How was Sofia when you picked her up earlier?"

"She asked about you; how you were. You two need to be honest with the way you feel and what you want."

"I don't know how I feel. I know I want her around. I miss her when she's gone."

"You're emotionally stunted."

"I'm emotionally fucked, and the proof is I'm meeting my old man for dinner."

"Behave." Gray's warning came as he pulled the car up to the curb. "Just S.O.S. and I'm there."

"Thanks, man."

He entered the restaurant and approached the podium. "Montgomery Whitby."

A nicely dressed woman smiled. "Your party has arrived."

As he entered the dining room, his eye caught a framed copy of Trista's Beantown Magazine's review. Just ahead was his father with another man and the young attorney, Brittany Atherton.

He wanted to make a u-turn and walk out the door. Montgomery smiled, as if he were charming.

"Here he is. Monty, you know Brittany, and her father, David."

"Mr. Atherton." He extended his hand. "Brittany. This is a surprise."

"Your father tells me you do valuable work."

Monty raised an eyebrow as he looked at his father. "I wouldn't say that. I visited your stores."

Montgomery said, "We'll talk about business after we eat. Brittany, what are your hobbies. My son cooks and rides a bike."

Monty almost choked on his water. While both were true, his father had only recently learned about his interests.

"I like to dance, but my work doesn't leave me with time for clubs."

Monty said, "I love to travel and bungee jump. Have you ever jumped 400 feet over croc infested waters? It's a thrill."

She shook her head, unsure if he was telling the truth. His father cleared his throat, causing the hair on his neck to stand up. "You're too old to be a playboy. Time to settle down."

"I'm settled. I outgrew nightclubs years ago." He never liked that scene. He preferred drinking alone.

"Nothing wrong with letting off a bit of steam, right, sweetie?"

Brittany smiled at her father like he hung the moon. Knowing the type, Monty asked, "Are you an only child too?"

"She's our princess, the apple of my eye."

Monty stopped himself from gagging. Stay calm. Think of Sofia.

The meal was not as good as he remembered. "I can't believe Trista raved about this beef braciole."

Brittany said, "I can't believe you're one of her groupies."

"Groupie implies following her around. I rarely go to any restaurant after she's reviewed it. Although I love Colombian." His lips and tongue had savored a lot of Colombian.

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