24 - Bachelorettes

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Gray's heavy footsteps caused Monty to look up from his laptop. It was a miracle the oaf hadn't been killed. He couldn't sneak up on anyone, never mind the enemy.

"You've been working all day."

Nodding, he stood and stretched. He looked, and it was three o'clock. His stomach grumbled. Had he been ignoring its protests? He'd been at the desk in his bedroom since ten. The master suite was large, so he portioned a corner for his office. Both his desk and chair were ergonomically correct, allowing him to work for hours. Although he worked downstairs, either on a kitchen stool or the sofa, he accomplished more upstairs.

"Are you planning to change before Sofia stops by?"

He looked down at his old tee and bare feet. She had seen him dressed similarly before. "Are we going out tonight?"

"You promised. I ate a frozen pizza last night."

"Trista has spoiled you."

"What did you eat?"

"A load of BS. My mother served lamb chops. I'm not impressed with her new cook."

"Listen to yourself. You are such a food snob."

Monty shrugged. He was discerning about food. "The night was comical and the old man was so serious, like I couldn't see right through him."

"How many women?"

"Four with their parents. I kept looking for hidden cameras. Thank God for Tori. Although even her invite showed Montgomery is out of touch."

"No chance of switching sisters?"

Monty liked Tori. She had always been less of a judge. It took one to know one, and they both lived with broken hearts.

"I don't feel anything romantic towards her."

"So no to bachelorette number one. What about two?"

"Taylor. Please, she works for my mother and is as fake as her boobs."

Gray's eyes widened. "Are they big?"

"She got her money's worth. She had the nerve to disrespect Ted's wife in front of Grace Calhoun." He smiled, thinking of Grace's response. "The woman is classy." Like her older daughter.

"So she's a capital B. Is she hot?"

"Seriously, she doesn't grocery shop, but she might like an affair with the help. Feel free to try but never bring her here."

"Whatever? Who's next?"

"Nadine. She's lacking in the looks department."

"So shut your eyes."

"Seriously. She's at least five years older than me, but looks forty."

"Are these the cream of the crop?"

"Based on their fathers' business and political connections."

"Did everyone know what the gathering was all about?"

"It was obvious. Tori spent the whole evening snickering. She almost choked more than once."

He owed her something for the evening. Maybe he should look up Tommy and go have a talk with him. Tori provided a buffer for the woman. When she left, she kissed him on the cheek and hugged him. The old man smiled like he had just closed a huge acquisition. He was clueless that Tori had always been a little sister. Being with her would be as crazy as her being with Trey or Jonathan.

During her tight squeeze, she said, "I'm proud of you. If tonight didn't send you to the drink cart, you are doing great."

He could love her if she had a different last name. Almost.

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