Chapter 54: Colton and Emily.

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Adam's car above.

Amelia Black

Adam and I go into Emily and Colton's house hand in hand. He was reassuring me the whole car ride that everything is fine and if it wasn't it's going to because Emily has a friend like me.

I see Nicole, Jasmine, Chloe, Jacob, Camilla and Val, all sitting in the living room.

"Hey, guys."

"Amelia, you're here!" Emily rushes down from the stairs and hugs me.

"Of course I am." I hug her back.

Adam's phone starts ringing. I pull away to look at him. Our eyes meet.

"I'm gonna answer this. Will you be okay?"

I nod not knowing what else to say.

He kisses my forehead and excuses himself.

I watch Valerie who's grinning at him like an idiot. Her eyes meet mine. "So hot." She mouths. I shake my head.

"So Emily, is everything okay?" Jacob

"Yeah, I want to talk to you guys." She says, lifting her left hand and starts stroking her hair.

I look at her in confusion. Why is she doing that? But then, I freeze. My eyes widen.

I put my hand over my mouth.

Nicole and Jasmine gasp.

I pull her left hand and stare at the diamond on her ring finger. And. Scream. Out. Loud.

"Emily!" Camilla exclaims in shock, shaking her and Emily is just laughing and nodding her head.

We all hug her, screaming and jumping in joy while she's laughing and crying at the same time.

When we pull away to catch our breaths, I wipe the tears that have fallen from my eyes.

"When?" I ask her.

"Like an hour ago. I told him about the baby."

"Wait what?" Jasmine asks with a frown on her face.

Um...shotgun? I definitely didn't expect this from Colton but I guess if Emily is okay with it then it's fine.

Emily's eyes widen. "No! it's not what you think. He already had the ring and planned to do it this weekend. That's why he's been acting sus lately but after I told him, he couldn't wait so he just did it tonight."

"Is he happy about the baby?" I ask.

Emily nods. "He's very happy."

Val leans against me. "Awww."

"I wanna see the ring again." Nicole says and Em shows it to us.

"It's beautiful." I whisper.

"It's their family ring. His father gave it to his mother."


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