Chapter 29: You forgot about him.

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Emily's outfit above.

Amelia Black

I did not decide to donate five hundred thousand dollars just because of Simone.

Camilla asked me to donate more money than what Simone donated but I told her that if I'm going to donate money to a charity, it has to be for a good cause so I went up online and googled the charities that Shayla mentioned in the previous meeting. I was touched when I read about kids that had cystic fibrosis.

I mean, I watched 'Five Feet Apart'. I know how serious cystic fibrosis is but seeing the reality of it just broke something in me. Diabetes is no stranger to me. It killed one of my uncles so that's why donating the money felt so easy. I didn't bother to google HOPE because I know that it covered a lot of things and secondly, it ruined my life.

"That's incredibly great, Amelia. Are you sure it's not too much? We usually all come together and pay for the fundraiser." Shayla says.

I shake my head. "No it's not. As long as it's for a good cause."

She nods, still looking surprised. "Sisters." She whispers and everyone starts applauding me.

Fucking great. I fake a smile and look around the table. Everyone is clapping, even Simone. What a hypocrite!

"So how would you like it to be?" Shayla asks.

I look at her. "The fundraiser is your idea, Shayla. It will be exactly how you want it to be. I'm not going to mess up your plans."

I see relief in her eyes as she smiles. "Alright."

I smile again then take my cup and sip my drink.

"Wow, that's a big ring." One of the ladies comments. My wedding ring is a total eye catcher because it's big and very unique.


"One of the privileges of being married to Adam Black, isn't it?" The woman asks with a smile.

"I guess." I reply.

"It's beautiful." Someone else, I think her name is Bonnie says.

"Thank you."

"So how was the Channel show you went to Simone?" Wanda Harris, who is one of the 'mean girls' asks.

Simone smiles, touching her diamond necklace. "Oh, it so was great. I sat next to Madonna and Emily Blunt to my left ."

"Wow."  Someone says and for the next thirty minutes, I had to listen to Simone talk about Paris.

"This is what she was afraid of." I hear an unfamiliar as I'm about to enter the backseat of my car.

Cooper is sitting at front while Tom is driving.

I turn around and see one of the sisters that I just dined with. "Excuse me?"

She smiles in embarrassment. "I'm sorry. I'm Anne." She extends her hand.

I fix my hair then shake hands with her."Hey, I'm Amelia."

"I know." She says  then adds, "I'm talking about Simone. She was afraid that you would come and take charge of the club."

"But I'm not taking charge."

She rolls her eyes. "Please, you took charge the moment you announced your contribution."

I shrug. "That wasn't my intention."

She nods then softly clears her throat. "I'm sorry that everyone has been so cold towards you. Simone wasn't happy when she heard that you were joining the club so she kind of manipulated all of them."

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