Chapter 43: This is happening.

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Amelia's outfit above.

Longest chapter of all time. 5500+ words is a lot.

Amelia Black

"I'm like so excited. I feel like we haven't hung out in a while." Nicole says as she goes through the clothing rack.

We're in New York City for the Met Gala. Adam and I flew in together on our jet. We're going with Louis Vuitton, Emily and Colton are going with Bottega Veneta and Nicole is going with Michelle Taylor (Her mum).

This is my second Met. It's Adam's fifth I think, Nicole's third and Emily's first.

We're all very excited. Camilla is also going to be attending with Off-White but she's flying in on a different day. Adam has a few things to do here so we flew in early and Nicole's mum is a designer so they obviously have to come early to get things ready.

"Yeah, me too." I agree.

It's been a long time since we hung out just three of us because we all have things going. Nicole is graduating from Hardwood this year, I've been modeling and Emily has also been doing some endorsements deals and focusing on her relationships with Colton.

Emily comes out of the changing room and gives us a spin. "What do you guys think?"

"Woah!" Nicole smiles.

"You look amazing, Em." I tell her excitingly.

We're in a Dior store shopping for some outfits. I love New York and I love shopping here.

"Alright, then. I'm gonna get it." She says then adds, "Do you guys wanna come with me to shop for furniture?"

"Furniture for what?"

"I kind of told Colton that I would move in with him."

My eyes widen and I breath, "Really?"

"Yeah." She nods.

"Oh my God! That's awesome, Emily! I'm so happy for you." I hug her.

"Yes." Nicole joins the hug. "He loves you, Emily. I think it's going to be great for you guys." She says.

We pull away and I look at Nicole. "And how about you? Any secret hookups with Julian?"
I tease.

Her face drops and she shakes her head. "He has lost every bit of respect for me since my marriage stunt. I've been thinking that maybe it's time to let go."

"But since Julian,  you've been with so many guys. I know they were some bad ones but there were a lot of great ones too but you couldn't love any of them because Julian is in your heart. I've seen you with all those guys and I've seen you with Julian. No one makes you happy like he does and I guess that's all that matters in the end." Emily says.

"Yeah and you know, I never understood your relationship with Julian because he and I never got a long and I never liked him but I believe what really matters in any relationship or finding the right person is happiness and someone that you can be yourself with." I add.

And looking back, I know that when Nicole was with Julian, she was more herself than ever. They had fun together and she never laughed as much as she did when she was with him.

"But we're still young, guys. I'm twenty one and  you're both twenty two. We have time to kiss many frogs, make mistakes and do a whole lot of things before we find our princes." She says.

"I'm pretty sure I've found my prince." Emily chuckles at her.

"You'll never know, Em. Maybe there's someone out there for you that's a hundred times better than Colton."

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