Chapter 26: Donatella Versace.

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Hardwood University interior above.

Amelia Black

"Dr Humphrey! Dr Humphrey!"

The Climatology professor stops his pace and turns to me. "Miss Smith, is everything okay?"

I sigh, catching my breath. "Yes. I just want to hand you my assignment."

He tilts his head. "What assignment?"

"The one on 'the impact of climatology to architectural design'."

"Oh but the deadline was two weeks ago."

I widen my eyes, giving him a fake innocent look. "It was?"

Two weeks ago, I was in Italy. My little vacay obviously made me miss a lot of school.

"Yes." Dr Humphrey answers.

"Well, I was out of the country. I hope you don't mind." I smile sweetly at him then give him the papers.

"But I do. I can't accept that."

I frownS "Why not?"

"Because you've missed the deadline."

"I know and I'm sorry but I had my reasons. It won't happen again, I promise."

"I'm sure it won't." He says dryly then starts walking away.

"Dr Humphrey!"

"You have to collect this. I really am sorry."

"Collecting this wouldn't be fair on other students. You should have handed it in a week ago." He says in a stern voice.

"But you said it's ten perfect of our final." I cry.

"Yes but the answer is still no, Miss Smith. If you study really hard in your final paper, I can assure you, you might get a 'B'."

I swallow. "A 'B'? I can't have a 'B'! I'm an 'A' student, you know that."

He shakes his head. "I know but I can't do anything. I'm sorry." He says.

Well, it's clear that he has made up his mind.

"Fine, thank you." I sigh and walk out of the office.

I lean against the wall and and let out a deep breath.

Some girls pass by saying 'hi' and I wave back at them.


"Hello, Mrs Black." Ned greets as I step out of the backseat of Adam's jeep.

"Hi, Ned." I mumble.

"How was your day?" He smiles.

"Horrible." I answer.

Dr Humphrey ruined my day.

"I'm sorry to hear that. Mr Black is waiting for you in the lobby."

After my classes, Adam asked the driver to bring me to his hotel, The Summit for my job interview. I made a quick stop at home to change into a more suitable outfit then we came here.

I'm nervous but at the same time, I'm so excited for the interview.

"Okay." I say. I watch the Tom drive away then follow Ned behind.

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