Chapter 15: We need to talk.

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Adam's outfit above.

Amelia Black

Hey Milly,

It's me again! I guess I should stop writing to you but I can't seem to stop. You have become my journal. Even though I know that you're never going to reply, I keep writing because it kind of feels good. Every time I send you a letter, I feel a weight lifted off my chest.

I had the BEST ice cream this week. Who knew my prison could have such great food? If you talk to Liam, tell him how grateful I am for his forgiveness.

But sometimes I don't feel grateful at all. Is being completely alone with delicious food and fancy clothes in a locked house better than being in a real prison with big bad scary guys and bad food?

I'm so fucking lonely. I hate my life.

I hate my fucking self.

I was deceived and completely lied to.

Two failed suicide attempts.

How fucked up is that? I couldn't do it. I want to look at all of you guys at least one more time and beg for your forgiveness.

Last month, I told you my parents were coming but they didn't.

I thought I did it for them but no one is angry or disappointed as they are. Fuck!

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!

Like always, I'm deeply sorry.


I wipe my tears as I finish reading the letter but I couldn't stop shaking and crying.

I drag my knees to my chest and hug them, burying my head in them.


Jamie Archer.

My ex best friend.

It's been eight months since the whole X drama. Clearly, this isn't the first time that he has written a letter to me.

So where are the others?

I get up from my bed then enter the bathroom to clear my face.

I run downstairs with the letter in my hand, shouting Talia's name.

She appears from kitchen and looks at me. "Yes?"

"I got a mail from my friend, Jamie. I think he has been sending them for a while now but this is the first time I'm seeing it."

Her eyes are wide open and she seems to be frozen in her spot. "Um.." She mumbles and looks away from me.

"Yes?" I use an authoritative tone.

"Mr Black always takes them." She says.

My eyebrows draw together. "What?"

"All your mails with the name 'Jamie' go to him." Talia explains.

"WHAT?!" I yell.

How dare he? Why the fuck would he take my mails?! I need to talk to Adam Black. Now!

"I'm sorry, Amelia. It's my fault. I forgot to take it out today. I'm so-"

"Where is he?" I cut her off.

"In his office."

I turn around and march to his office. I barge inside without knocking. "Why have you been going through my mails?"

Adam is sitting behind his desk, doing something on his computer. He doesn't look at me but a calculating expression grows on his face.

"What are you talking about?" He asks in a solid velvety voice.

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