Chapter 41: April 16th

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The girls outfits above.

Amelia Black

"Paris bitches!" Nicole swears. "I've been dreaming for us to come on a trip like this for a really long time."

"So have I!" Jasmine exclaims.

"So what are the plans for tonight? Dinner at Le Gabriel and that's it?"

It's the day before my birthday. Me and some of my girlfriends flew in to Paris to celebrate.

Adam paid for all the trip expenses. We were shopping at Avenue Montaigne this morning and literally, everything was taken care of by him. All the crazy shopping my friends and I did. Only Adam will do that from a thousand miles away.

It's been a while since I've seen him. He has been so busy work and traveling. We do talk on the phone though.

"How about we go watch a show?" Ivory suggests. Since she moved to New York, we haven't really been seeing each other so I begged her to come along on the trip.

Ivory is one of my best friends and I love her because she's always honest with me.

"There are a million things to do in Paris. I'm sure we can come up with something-Amelia! Get off your fucking phone! I didn't fly all the way from Italy just so you could ignore the hell out of us." Tessa snaps.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"He still hasn't called you back?" Emily asks me.

"No." I reply.

"Text him then. Maybe he's in a meeting like always." Camilla says.

"I still can't believe that you're in love with that jerk." Tessa says.

"Neither can I. You used to hate him. Right from the first time you guys met." Ivory adds.

"Technically that wasn't the first time we met." I point.

Ivory was the first person I told about Adam. Last year when he and I met, he was very rude so I shared what happened with her.

"Right! Childhood sweetheart and shit." Tessa rolls her eyes.

I ignore her comment and decide to text Adam.

Me: Hey

Adam💍: Hi. How's my wifey?

A huge smile spreads on my face.

"Can you see how happy he makes her?" Jasmine speaks.

Me: I'm fine. How are you? Are you still in New York?

Adam💍: I'm good. Yes, I  am. I am in a meeting right now.

Me: Oh! I hope everything turns out well and I hope you're eating and taking care of yourself not brooding and working all day long.

Adam💍: I am.

Me: Okay. Are you coming to Paris for my birthday?

Adam💍: Do you want me to?

Me: Yes

Adam:💍 I'm sorry, Amelia. I am so busy.

My smile drops and my lips turn into a frown.

Me: Yeah, I understand

Adam💍: Please don't be upset. I want it to be a great day for you. You should have fun with your friends

Married By ChanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz