Chapter 25: Black Industries.

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Camilla's outfit above.

Amelia Black

"Fuck!" Camilla swears out loud then angrily stamps her phone on the table.

"Is there something wrong?"

She runs her fingers through her hair. "Yes! My dress is not ready yet and the council's ball is in a few days!"

"I'm sure it will be ready before then." I give her a reassuring smile.

"I hope so." She sighs.

It's Monday. Two days after my party. Everyone enjoyed the party because they didn't want to leave and this morning, people kept talking about it at Hardwood and that is exactly what I wanted.

After I went down to the party with Adam, a lot of girls kept coming up to him taking selfies while some guys came up with business ideas and started sharing them. He was really cool with everything but I noticed that he was getting uncomfortable so I asked if he wanted to go back to his room and he said yes.

"So hey, I've been meaning to talk to you." I tell Camilla. We're sitting at La Sarriette, her favourite restaurant, eating her favourite food on their menu which their beef bourguignon. Classic, I know.

She raises her eyebrow. "About what?"

"These past few weeks you've been acting strange and when we saw each other at The Snipe you said you were going through some stuff. I know I should have asked sooner so I'm sorry about that but I really want to know what's bothering you, Cam." I say softly.

She shakes her head. "It's crazy."

"Just tell me." I can handle crazy. She's my friend. I want to be there for her.

"I'm seeing Professor Aston." She whispers and I start chocking on my food. I quickly take my glass of water then gulp it down. "What?!"

She chuckles and pushes her hair back. "What? You know he's hot."

"Yes but he is your professor. That is illegal." I whisper yell.

"I know but this is Bluefall, Amelia. I can do whatever I want and besides, my dad is the law man of this city." She shrugs.

True but it's still crazy and freaking weird! Professor Aston is our Art professor. Camilla studies Fashion Design and I study Architecture so we obviously both take his classes though not at the same time.

He is Australian and like she said, he is very hot and handsome . He is one of the youngest professors at the university and his classes are always full because female students are obsessed with him.

"So you're that serious about him?" I ask since she has decided to bring her father into the matter.

"Yes." She says and my eyes widen then she sighs, "Look, that time you saw me at Snipe was the day after I slept with him. After that, we both acknowledged it as a mistake but then I realised that I really liked him. He stopped talking to and glancing at me in class and that kept bothering me but last week, he stopped me after class and you know stuff happened."

"You did it in class?!" I exclaim.

"Yes, Amelia we had sex in class. Gosh! You're such a prude." She laughs.

"So he's now your boyfriend?" I ask in disbelief. This is crazy. I don't know how old he is but I'm sure he is over twenty five.

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