Chapter 59 : Cartier (Part 1)

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Amelia Black

So Adam and I stayed at the hotel for two days instead of one. I think he sensed something was wrong so he gave me some time alone. He was busy with the hotel and Black Industries

He left me by myself in the room and told me to call the concierge if I need anything and I did. He came back at night and held me to sleep, both nights. He was very sweet and attentive and I love him for that.

Today, I came to the university because I was called in for a meeting with the graduation committee. I texted the group chat I have with my friends and told them about it because I'm nervous the university is going to change their mind about allowing the fourth-years to graduate. Liam was supposed to come over to Adam and I's to get some materials for the classes he's taking for the summer.

I also have practically everything in my home studio . Every tool, every sketchbook, every pencil, model making stuff and whatever.

Liam is in the university to do get some things done so he offered to walk with me to the students affairs department.

"How long is this going to take?" He asks the moment we arrive in front of Dr Coleson's office.

"I'm not sure." I shake my head.

"Okay. I will be right outside."

I look at my Cartier wristwatch. It's 11:15, perfect so I knock on the door.

"Come in."

I look at Liam and cross my fingers then open the door.

He's sitting casually in his chair. I know most of the instructors in this university because I'm part of the student council. Dr Coleson and I have crossed paths a few times.

He's a very chill and relaxed person and he plays around with the students so seeing a warm smile on his face kind of eased my nerves.

"Miss Smith." He says.

"Dr. Coleson.  You wanted to see me."

"Yes. Please have a seat." He points at the chair.

"Thanks." I smile and he goes straight to the point.

"Your graduation is this Saturday as you know. Mike Chen is the valedictorian but due to unforeseen circumstances, he won't be able to make it. I know it's late but I would like to offer you the position if you're interested."

Um, what? What? I stare at him speechless for some seconds. This isn't what I was expecting at all. I thought I wad going to get tossed aside not become a star of a show that's not even mine. I softly clear my throat then speak.

"Sir, even though I'm extremely honored. I don't think I can accept. This isn't even my graduation. I'm just a tag along." I tell him, still bewildered.

"I'm aware but we both know that if you were graduating next year like expected, the position is yours without a question."

Obviously. I mean, I have worked my ass off for the past four years. I have one of the most perfect attendance records in history because I'm always present, not just for my classes but for all the activities the university has.

"But this is different. Isn't there a salutatorian or someone else?" I ask.

"No, there isn't. The university wants you, Amelia. You're perfect for this."

I look at him. It's tempting but I shake my head. "I just don't want to take someone's opportunity."

"Why don't you think about it and get back to me by the end of the day? We need someone to fill Mr Chen's shoes. Personally, I believe you're even more suitable than he is." He says kindly.

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