Chapter 28: The Hotlist.

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Amelia's car above.

Amelia Black

"Amelia!" I'm met by Mia as I go out of my car at Hardwood the next day.

"Hi, Mia."

Mia Wang is the daughter of the second richest man in Bluefall, Alexandra Wang. She and I have been friends forever. She is very low-key and I like that about her.

She hugs me. "Gosh! Are you okay?"


"I heard what everyone is saying about you and Adam and I got worried."

Ohhh. So apparently the headline of the rumour is 'The Truth about Amelia Smith's Marriage'.

It was said that I was really supposed to marry Liam but a few days before the wedding he caught me having sex with Adam so he flew away to Spain and left us to marry each other.

"I'm fine, Mia. Don't worry yourself."

"Okay, let's head in together."

"Amelia! I've been calling you all morning." I see Valerie approaching us.

"My phone is on silent."

"Alright. Are you okay?" She asks in a worried tone.

"Yes, I'm fine. It's not really a big deal. Rumours spread all the time."

"But everyone is talking about it."

"I don't care, Valerie."

"But you have to, Amelia." Mia says. "For months, no one has talked about this but now all of a sudden, there's a rumour out. What if someone is trying to dig the truth?"

I hear Camilla's voice from behind. "Calm your tits, Wang. It is not that deep."


She ignores my greeting. "My sources told me that someone wrote a very long article and sent it to Post Elite a few days ago."

Post Elite is the biggest gossip newspaper in Bluefall. It is where all the socialite and celebrity secrets are exposed.

Val frowns. "But I read Post Elite everyday. The article wasn't released."

"Yes because when they saw that it was about Amelia and Adam Black, they decided to run it by their main boss who prevented the release."

"Why would he or she do that?"

"No one wants to mess with Edward Smiths daughter and Adam Black's wife especially here in Bluefall." She answers.

I look at her. "Can I ask who your source is?"

"Hannah. Her mum is friends with the editor-in-chief of Post Elite. After she stopped the release, she called Hannah's mum and told her about it."

"Even though Post Elite release every possible gossip, they can never really release anything that would affect the council." Valerie says.

"Yes and you know what? Remember the time when Brent Cole was arrested for drug and arms dealing?" Mia speaks, whispering the last part.

"You guys remember how the news suddenly died down, right?" She asks and we nod again.

"I heard that during that period, the Coles secretly bought Post Elite so that they could cover everything up and prevent things like that from happening in the future."

Common rich people move.

"Wow." Val mutters.

I frown. "But if the article wasn't released, how did everything spread around here? Did Hannah tell someone?"

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