Chapter 7: Hey, hubby.

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Amelia's outfit above.

Amelia Black

Changing my last name was something I argued severely on. My parents wanted me to but I refused. Like what was the point?

It's not like I got married to the love of my life. But then after going through some shit with the lawyers that took part in creating this whole marriage, it turned out that I had to take Adam's name for everything to be sorted.

I followed Dr Sloan's advice. I decided to start 'living' and stop staying in my room all day.

Right now, I'm at the mall and I have gone to almost every store.

I bought lots of clothes, shoes, makeup and literally all the nice things that my eyes caught.

This is the first I'm out shopping at the mall alone and I have probably never shopped as much as I did today. I usually get annoyed when Nicole even mentions it but today, I've realised how fun it is.

I head to the food court to get a frap from Starbucks. I turn around to see if Cooper is nearby. He must be hungry because we've been here for hours.

I don't see him so I pull out my phone and dial his number.

"Mrs Black?" He suddenly appears out of nowhere.

I yelp in surprise. "Oh God! You scared me!"

"I'm sorry ma'am."

"Hmmm." I glare at him. I haven't started liking him yet. I still don't trust him

"Are you hungry?" I ask him.

He shakes his head. "No, ma'am."

"Are you sure? There's Burger King over there." I point at the direction.

He smirks. "Fine, if you insist."

I roll my eyes and we walk over to Burger King. He places his order and we find a place to sit, facing each other.

"So tell me about you, Cooper." I say after taking the first sip of my frappaccino.

" I say after taking the first sip of my frappaccino

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Amelia's frap

He smiles and leans back against his chair. "What would you like to know?"

"What got you into the kidnapping business?"

Since he's my bodyguard, I have to learn how to trust him and the only way to do the is by getting to know him.

"The money." He answers simply and I frown.

"What did you do before then?"

"I was a professional computer hacker and a street fighter. I also used to work at a private security company then I worked as a spy for this Italian mafia."

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