Chapter 53: July 18th

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Amelia's outfit above.

Amelia Black

I roll over on Adam's bed and close my eyes. I let out a sigh, disappointed with myself because I haven't done any of the things I said I would. It's been three hours since he left and I haven't moved. I've just been scrolling through my phone. So much for having a productive day.

I know I will feel good after I workout but I just don't want to. I wonder what Adam is doing. He's out there taking on the world and barking orders I'm sure. I smile because I think he's very sexy when he's in control, except when he's telling me what to do.

I can't help but wonder if he's going to be a bossy and controlling partner. I scrunch my face. Nah! He's not like that. He's a control freak but he's no that type to tell me what I can or can do. He lets me have my way all the time. Like last night, he said we could sleep wherever I want but also decided we should sleep in his room so he could have me in his arms.

His bossiness always comes from him trying to protect me or wanting what's best for me and if it isn't, I'm not going to let him tell me what to do and what not to do.

Despite how much I love Adam, I want us to do this right. I can't ever lose myself in this relationship. That would be a problem for the both of us.

I get call from Emily so I answer. "Hey, bestie!" I smile.

"Hey, how are you doing?"

"I'm good. You? How are you feeling?"

"Still sick. It's horrible."

"I'm so sorry, Emily. Can I do anything?"

"No, The doctor said it's normal."

"I thought I told you to tell me when you're going to the doctors so I can go with you."

"It's just...... I rather do this by myself."

"Um.....okay. So did you need anything?"

"Yes, I want to talk about Nicole's birthday."

"Oh, yeah! What are we doing?"

"She hasn't said anything so I was thinking we should throw her a surprise party. She'll love that!"

"Yeah, that's perfect. We could have it on my yacht since we've never used it." I've been looking for the opportunity to use the gorgeous wedding gift I got from my in-laws.

"Actually, I was thinking of having it at my house. To make things less suspicious."

"You're right. That's better."

"So I'll text everyone and ask them to make fake plans incase she comes up with something."

"Okay, good and what do you need me to do?"

"Amelia, I need your help with everything. I'm too tired."

"Okay. I'll come over to talk."

"Yeah but later. I have to go to Hardwood now to submit my project."

"Good luck. Knightly is in a mood."

"Really? When did you submit yours?"


She tells me that she's scared and I laugh, assuring her that it's okay. I shouldn't have said anything. Dr Knightly is all bark no bite. I let her go cause she's got to drive and then immediately see a text from Cam telling me that she needs me.

Looks like I have to get up after all.

After getting dressed, I go downstairs and check what the chef has made for us this morning. I find some yogurt and fruit in the fridge and another bowl of granola on the island. I smile. This was made just for me.

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