Chapter 19: Nobody is Perfect.

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Ethan's outfit above.

Amelia Black

"So why Bluefall?"

"I think it's every person's dream to move here because it has like a zero percent unemployment rate, it's a very beautiful city, lots of celebrities drop by and people find many life changing opportunities." Ethan replies.

That's true. Unless you're not looking, getting a job is really easy here because there are many multi billion dollar companies.

And when it comes to opportunities that are hard to come by like being in the music industry or having a job in fashion or acting, it really isn't hard to find someone with the connections because many celebrities and elites all over the world come here.

It's a very glamorous and prestigious city.

"Where do you work now?" I ask him.

It's a Saturday afternoon and he and I are having coffee at Starbucks. We've been wanting to hang out for a while now but he's been busy with his new job.

"BI, I'm the head of the graphic design department there." He replies.

This is guy is totally my guy. He's into designing things and that is something that I really love too.

"That's cool though I have no idea what BI is." I chuckle. I really don't but the name sounds interesting.

"Are you serious? That's like one of the companies that are hot on Forbes this year. It's a very huge and successful company." He says, sounding really surprised.

It's not like I read Forbes. I'm an Architectural Digest kind of girl and sometimes Vogue because of my job as a model.

"That's great." I say and then we become quiet. I use a fork to start eating my brownie and then minutes later, Ethan breaks the silence.

"So hey, what's the deal with your husband?" He asks and I can tell that he's a little bit nervous.

"Well, um..." I start. Can I tell him? Should I?

I mean, I just met him. My marriage with Adam is highly confidential. The council warned us about telling other people about it.

"He's a great guy but he cares about his work more." I tell him. That's technically the truth. 

I hate lying especially to an innocent friend like Ethan. I'm also a bad liar so I'm kind of afraid that he would see through me.

"So why did you marry him then?"

"I had to. I got out of a very bad breakup and he was there." I tell him. Another truth.

"Bad breakups." He says in a sad tone. "They are the worst. That's actually one of the main reasons why I moved here."

My eyes meet his. "Really?"

"Yes, my ex dumped me for her long lost best friend." He answers with a sad smile.

"I'm sorry." I tell him. I was dumped too through a letter.

"Yeah, it was really tough for me because she is literally the girl of my dreams. Everything I wanted and more."

Oh my God. This guy is like my soulmate. It's unbelievable. "I know exactly how you feel, Ethan." I force a smile at him.

He nods gently and looks down at his coffee. "Do you still have feelings for your ex?"

"Yup." I reply, looking away.

"Hey." He reaches for my hand across the table. "I know we just met but you don't have to hold back with me, okay?"

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