Chapter 14: Louis Vuitton.

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Amelia's outfit above.

Amelia Black

"I love this." Jacob grins as he lays down on the cloud sofa.

"Should we buy it then?" I ask.

We're in Luxxu, checking out furniture for Tyler and Jacob's new house. Everyone is busy except me so they asked for my help.

"No." Tyler quickly objects. "It's white."


"We're going to be having parties and the last thing I need is to see dirt on my white sofa. It's going to get me pissed." He says.

"I will get it for my bedroom then." Jacob speaks, getting up from the sofa.

"Let's go check on the beds. I want a really big one." Tyler pinches the bridge of his nose.

"Guys, I'm exhausted. Why didn't you just hire an interior designer?"

"Too expensive." Tyler says.

"Are you serious?" I laugh.

"Yeah, we're doing this with our money not our parents'. The woman we got wanted us to pay her three hundred and fifty thousand dollars." He explains.

My eyes widen. "Wow, that's a lot but I'm sure there are people that would charge you for a lower price."

"It's not just about the money, Milly. If we wanted one so badly, we would pay him or her whatever money they want. I'm also down for doing this by myself. It'll be a nice experience."
He replies.

My eyes drift to Jacob who is texting on his phone with a smile on his face.

"Are you texting Chloe?"

He looks at me still keeping the smile on his face. "Yes."

"When are you going to ask her out?" I pry.

I'm honestly tired of the fling that they are having. They both like each other. I don't know what's stopping them from dating.

Jake shakes his head and puts his phone in his pocket. "I'm not."

"Why not?" I frown.

"She doesn't want that." He answers simply.

"Do you?"

"What I want doesn't really matter."

"Yes, it does, Jacob."

He shrugs and looks away from me. Chloe wouldn't talk about what is going on with them. I really don't want any of them to get hurt.

"You can't keep doing this."

Jacob sighs and throws me a look. "It's really none of your business, Amelia. Chloe and I had a talk before we started all this. I'm not going to ruin what we have now."

"But Jacob-"

"I'm done talking about this!" He snaps and walks over to where Tyler is standing. Jacob starts talking frustratedly in a low voice and all Tyler does is nod.

When they finish talking, Jacob comes and brushes past me then follow the escalator down. I guess he's leaving.

I sit on a one armed chair and cross my arms over my chest. Jacob's mum left him when he was a little boy and even though he is one of the strongest people I know, there's still a part of him that holds on to that pain.

For one, he hates goodbyes. When he and Tyler were moving to Germany, he went crazy. He didn't want to leave his friends so he left without saying goodbye.

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