Chapter 12: Are you happy?

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Amelia's outfit above.

Amelia Black

"I don't like this carpet. I want it changed." I tell Randy, my housekeeper.

Yes, my house. I have finally accepted the fact that I'm married and since I might be living here for the rest of my life, I might as well accept it as my house.

The talk with Dr Sloan was what motivated me. She said that I have to accept the past in order to talk about the present.

So I'm not more in denial. I finally accept that Liam and I are over but I obviously still love him though since I started this phase of acceptance, I've been feeling this kind of anger. I love him but at the same time I'm mad at him for leaving and moving forward.

"Would you like to choose a new one yourself?" Randy asks.

I look around. "Yes."

I'm arranging some pictures around the house like my high school graduation pictures, the wedding pictures and some baby pictures. I want the house to feel more homey. I want to start calling it my home.

"Where do you want this, Mrs Black?" One of the maids asks me.

It's an enlarged photo of Adam and I during the wedding and it's framed beautifully.

Awww! We look so happy.

Okay, I'm kidding but we do look like a happy couple, the way we are looking at each other. I don't remember the picture being taken but I know one of the photographers probably ask us to pose that way.

"Put it in the hallway that leads to the stairs."

I'm actually starting to like the house more as I'm rearranging things.

I've always wanted to move out of my parents house and have a house of my own. This is kind of it even though it's in a completely different circumstance.

I take a vase and place it on the table. "Randy?"

He looks at me. "Yes, ma'am."

"Can we have a mirror here, above the table?"

"Sure." He writes everything down and we move to the next room.

We finish organising, rearranging and replacing things after a couple more hours.

I go into the kitchen to check on the chefs and then my mouth literally drops. I blink and blink again to see if what I'm seeing in front of me is real.

Yoshikazu Ono. One of the best sushi chefs in the world! Actually, I think he's the best.

"Surprise!" June and the assistant chef exclaim.

Everyone is looking at me with smiles on their faces.

"Guys, am I dreaming?" I whisper.

"No." June laughs and places her arm around my shoulder.

"Adam said you liked Sushi and luckily for us, Mr Ono is in the country so he invited him over to teach the chefs how to make some." She says.

"Really?" I breath, my eyes tearing up a bit.

"Yes." She replies, tapping my back.

"Hello." Yoshikazu Ono speaks.

God! It still feels like a dream. Why would Adam do this for me though?

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I grin and shake his hand.

"Likewise, you have a beautiful home." He says in his Japanese accent.

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