Chapter 60: Fellow Graduates

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Amelia Black

So the sweetest thing happened. Adam came back early because of me but Nicole and Camilla are hosting a joint dinner for everyone and since our graduation is in the morning, we're all spending the night at Nicole's house because we want to to get ready together and take photos early on.

The dinner has been so good so far. It's a white dinner so we're all wearing white and it's just a couple of close friends then Natasha, Jada, and Casey, nothing crazy.

The past few days have been hectic as hell but I know it's all going to be worth it tomorrow. I'm so excited to walk along side my best friends in the whole world. I'm also nervous to do the speech I finally agreed to give.

I have conquered my university and I might as well leave with some great personal words. Well not really personal. The Governor is going to be there and also a lot of important people. We have a Swedish prince that's graduating with us and he's family is going to be there and technically majority of the parents and attendees are all super prestigious individuals.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by the clinking of champagne glass. I turn my attention to Nicole who's standing gorgeously in her own short white dress.

She clears her throat and starts talking, "I just want to say a big thank you to all of you for being here. You guys are my favorite people in the world and I can't tell you how happy I am to graduate with you guys. Going to school has given us a reason to see each other every day and now that we're leaving, I truly hope that doesn't change. I love you all."

"Awwn, love you Nicole." I say, wiping fake tears from the corners of my eyes.

Everyone else cheered on her and told her they loved her. Camilla is asked to speak next and suddenly it's decided that everyone should say something.

My turn comes and I do a hair flip and stand. "This is going to be short cause I gotta some for tomorrow." I start. "First of all, I want to thank these three beautiful girls for being here and doing an incredible job for the shows. Secondly, I don't think words can explain how happy I am to have all of you as my fellow graduates. We've been through it all together so I would like to raise a glass to that and the years to come."

The night ended beautifully.


I've finished my speech and all my friends have collected their certificates. I was handed a paper that said 'see you next semester'.

We all laughed at the subtle shade the university threw at us as the expected graduates.

Adam hugs me tight and kisses my ear. "Congratulations, love."

"I'm not really graduating, you know."

He gently strokes my hair and pulls me close for a short kiss. "I do but I'm still proud of you, baby."

My younger brother decides to interrupt our moment. "Can you make out later?"

"Honey, let's take a picture." My dad states from the side.


"Where's the damned photographer? I did not pay this guy to wonder off."

Austin rolls his eyes at him. "Calm down, dad."

"He's over there taking photos of Elle and my brother." Adam points with head so I give him a pleading look. "Can you take with your phone please?"

He looks at me with warm eyes. "Of course."

My dad wraps his arm around me and shakes his head. "No, I want the photographs printed."

"Adam can email it to the guy, dad. Honestly, chill." Austin says.

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