Billy and Camilla (PT2)

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The kids arrive at Camilla's house and didn't see a car.

Mike: "Did Brenner leave?"

Max: "Let's hope he's out there looking for Camilla and Billy"

Lucas: "Where could they have gone?"

Mike: "Idk.."

Max: "Let's try the mall?"

Dustin: "Yeah.. Camilla probably chose a public place so Billy wouldn't do anything to her"

Max: "She's so smart.. let's go!"

The kids bike to the mall.


Camilla: "Well, I should get going" *She gets up, Billy grabs her hand and pulls her so that she sits on his lap* "Billy!"

Billy: "Let me pleasure you" *He whispers in her ear with his deep voice*

Camilla: "oh.. stop please let me go.. I'll let you know when I want this.. okay.."

Billy: "I'm just trying to do a pretty girl a favor. Since her 'husband' doesn't. Be real honest, has he pleasured you lately?"

Camilla: *Stays quiet, then answers him with a sigh* "no, he hasn't done that in quite a while.... when I wanna have fun, he's like "oh I'm tired, my back hurts... blah blah."

Billy: "See, you need someone who can make you feel good. I would divorce him and find someone better and younger"

Camilla: "yeah, idk. Sorry" *She gets up and walks away*

Billy looks at her walk and says to himself 'one day ima get you in bed and really pleasure you. You'll be screaming my name"


The kids get to the mall.

Mike: "let's go to Scoops Ahoy, maybe Steve might have seen them, if they came by here"

Dustin: "Yeah!" *They go to Scoops Ahoy*

Steve; "Hey kids, y'all are super early for work.."

Max: "Have you seen my brother with a girl?"

Steve: "Actually yes, they were here... idk what they were doing.. they were talking, then she got up and he pulled her to his lap, then she tried to get up and eventually she did and walked away"

Max: "Omg... is Billy still here?"

Steve: "Yeah over there?" *He points to where Billy is at*

Max: "Thanks" *The kids walk towards Billy*

Dustin: *Stayed* "Where's Robin?"

Steve: "She called in sick"

Dustin: "Aww, tell her I said I hope she feels better"

Steve: "Sure, I'll tell her"

Dustin: "Thanks, say.. do you like Robin?"

Steve: "Yeahh... her and that girl Billy was with. I don't think Robin would be with me, and idk about that girl... I called the other girl beautiful today and she blushed"

Dustin: "Oh really?"

Steve: "Yeah, that girl should be with me and not Billy"

Dustin: "Well, when ever you see her, invite her for an ice cream. Btw, her name is Camilla and she's married to Brenner"

Steve: *His eyes widen* "What!! She married him??"

Dustin: "Yeah...well bye!" *Dustin leaves with the rest*

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